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Re: Digest 1290

Oct 23, 1997 05:17 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, Bart Lidofsky
<> writes
>Nicole Suter wrote:
>> To Bart Lidofsky: "There is a major difference between an "apostle" and a
>> "disciple"; an apostle abandons a belief system to learn a new one."
>> Bart, this hurts! To me this feels icecold-iconically again. Brrr, I am all
>> frozen. Please send enormous amounts of hot water!
>       It is a common error to consider an apostle to be another word for a
>disciple of a religious teacher. It was that which I was addressing.
>       Bart Lidofsky

This is true.  An apostle is a plenipotentiary for the teacher, with
authority to act in the name of the teacher, a *sheliach* in Hebrew - it
is almost as if the apostle has power of attorney - indeed, in Old
Testament times this would have been a common understanding of the
function.  Hence the idea of an apostle, later a bishop or priest,
acting "in his name."


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