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Re: A New Foundation

Oct 23, 1997 07:07 AM
by ramadoss

> writes
>>>In this days of "democracy" it is time that we all need to know where the
>>>TSA is going so that we can get whole hearted and creative support of
>>>everyone not simply those sheep who can't think or are afraid of thinking.
>>It doesn't look like that to me, neither in the US or here in the UK.
>>The TS as such seems to be simply spiralling downward.  Maybe here and
>>there (as seems to be happening in New Zealand) there is still some real
>>theosophical work being done, but here and in the US it doesn't need
>>people to pay dues to a Society any more when that Society is not seen
>>to be doing its job.
>>>The TIT as it is constituted now, has a great built-in danger, in that TIT
>>>is not answerable to anyone if TSA folds up and also TIT can then change its
>>>internal setup in such a way it does even give up the properties it has

    There was a typo on my part. The above line should have read: 

      "it does NOT give up the properties at all". 

       Doing this is very easy. Just change the bylaws.


>>>taken control of and the Trustees can become self-perpetuating. This is a
>>>potential problem. Such a thing is not far fetched. Similar things have
>>>happened elsewhere in the past.

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