Re: NDE of Betty Bland
Oct 20, 1997 05:36 AM
by ramadoss
At 07:48 PM 10/19/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-10-19 19:14:10 EDT, you write:
>>Her lecture was well attended and since on NDE she was talking from personal
>>experience it was of interest to all. Too frequently we find discussing
>>thing in which we don't have first hand knowledge.
>It was nice that Betty came back but the usual problem with the Near Death
>Experience is that most folks who have them do come back instead of staying
>dead and out of everyone's hair.
>Chuck the Heretic
I am glad to see NDExperiencers do comeback. How else can they tell us
simple folks who use normal means of communication as to what they felt or
saw or perceived.
BTW, those who die have their problems solved. Usually it is the living that
is left behind is faced with the loss of their dear ones, and sometimes
causes a lot of problems for a long time.
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