Re: Foundation
Oct 20, 1997 05:36 AM
by ramadoss
> From: Bart Lidofsky <>
> Subject: Re: Foundation
> Date: Thursday, October 09, 1997 9:01 AM
> You can do exactly the same thing I would do to get the answer: Send
> mail, email, or call the National Headquarters at Wheaton, and ask. I,
> however, have been forced by the actions of some people on this list.
I think the foundation you are referring to is the TIT.
Couple of years ago I requested the information directly from the National
President, in writing and is yet to receive the info. Still waiting.
May be others with better connections may have better luck in getting the
info. If anyone succeeds, please post the details here. Would be interesting
to see how it is supposed to function when and if the TSA is shut down.
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