Re: What is the Purpose of Theosophy???
Oct 10, 1997 05:16 PM
by A. Safron
> From:
> Subject: Re: What is the Purpose of Theosophy???
> Date: Friday, October 10, 1997 3:18 PM
> In a message dated 97-10-10 12:59:38 EDT, you write:
> >TS then is not part of life, only living on the intellectual plane.
> >
> >A. Safron
> As life has less and less to recommend it, something that is not a part of it
> grows more and more desirable.
> Chuck the Heretic
Except that pesky thing called Life keeps encroaching on paradise at Olcott.
Am I right that they're building a Dominick's across the street from Quest Book store?
Also a stop light to facilitate traffic into Dom's huge parking lot?
The paradise in the woods that was once Olcott, even back as little 20 years ago
has turned into a raging suburbia with an overabundance of restaurants, triple left
turn lanes and who know what in the future- an industrial park? Maybe it is time to
ascend to the mental plane or at least the astral.
A. Safron
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