Re: Golden Rule(s)
Oct 10, 1997 05:22 PM
by jim meier
from 10/09, From: "libidia" <>
>I could be grossly "wrong" but as long as I remember the "golden rule" -
>"Harm None", only my fear stops me from "knowing and telling".
to which Bart replied,
> How is it physically possible to harm none? I have a collection of
>phrasings of the so-called "golden rule", and NONE of them are phrased
>anywhere near that, not even the Satanic version.
There are a number of versions of the "Ten Commandments", too, including
the (original?) one in Patanjali's Sutras of Yoga. In it, the first one is
Harmlessness, or ahimsa. Seems like that could be considered a "golden"
rule, as it is listed first.
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