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Re: THEOS-L digest 1276

Oct 10, 1997 08:37 AM
by libidia

Hi Kym, you wrote
>And it took me a couple years to finally even bother to think about what
>Jackson was trying to tell me. . .and the message changed my life.

It's an interesting journey, isn't it?  Thanks for telling me about it.

Hi Bart, you wrote
> How is it physically possible to harm none? I have a collection of
>phrasings of the so-called "golden rule", and NONE of them are phrased
>anywhere near that, not even the Satanic version.

Just a quick note to honour your question and to explain something about
nuts like me.  What I say is a mixture of two things: what comes from my
"brain" which I think is a collection of all things I and all my genetic
ancestors have heard/read/experienced and I no longer bother to expend the
energy to remember the source because my process of "learning" since leaving
the academic tradition is to do an "inside me" test and then assimmilate or
reject so that when I use the knowlege attained it comes from/through me in
my words/actions/symbols;

and from somewhere else, which happens with a kind of shiver or queasy "gut
feel", or in a vision, or dream, or slap up side of the head.

Because I have been hurt myself by other people's actions and words, and
although I know that being "harmed" is within myself and not their "doing",
I am trying hard to "see" other people's states and understand my own, so
that what I do and say, hopefully, is positive for all.  I'm a real novice
at this bit, yet.

So:  I can only harm myself  and  my "golden rule" may have been told me in
those words by a particularly wise tree, or Merlin, or Black Elk, or, as you
say, some author of Pagan rites, or ....... perhaps it's two words
representing a universal law that someone like Mdme B. could write 5 books
I'm fast developing another "golden rule" for warriors:  "duck and cover".
And one just for Annette:  "learn to laugh at yourself, or else".
See ya Bart.  Regards Annette.

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