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Digest 1276

Oct 10, 1997 03:44 AM
by Nicole Suter

To Annette:

> I can guess. I am not always correct.

"You think I am?  Hey, I started out like you, a supremely confident, know it
all little kid, who when questioned by anyone or anything, just immediately
spoke "the truth as I knew it".  I'm still doing it, but only when I feel
safe!  Of course now I'm all mixed up with being told by sages and experts
and "parents" and governments that I don't know shit and all I have is "my

It's great how you say this and I often feel the very same way about this.
Especially to feel safe is suddenly not an easy thing anymore.

I could be grossly "wrong" but as long as I remember the "golden rule" -
"Harm None", only my fear stops me from "knowing and telling".

Here again I agree 100 % and I consider the fear often as a very wise
feeling but then time also learned me that if I say something "true" and
the person I say it to is not ripe for it, the person simply doesn't under-
stand it, misses it, doesn't believe it - to me there seems to be some kind
of a law like "truth" saves itself. Otherwise it simply stays beyond words.
Sometimes it cost's a lot of force to be one who "might know a little
more" and to be treated for that as if one is the very last human beeing
there is on the whole wold and often it isn't easy either to deal with
the feeling "they-don't-understand-me". Just my opinon.

All the very best for you,


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