Re: What is the Purpose of Theosophy???
Oct 10, 1997 07:37 PM
by Bart Lidofsky
A. Safron wrote:
> > Actually, I believe that the purpose of the Theosophical Society is, in
> > fact, to speed the evolution of humanity, and to create an atmosphere
> > conducive to the creation of seed groups that, in a millenium or two,
> > will become Adepts. ..
> Maybe that's true, Bart. And maybe it isn't.
> It also sounds rather elitist and foolish that TS alone would be
> the cradle of Adepts. My choice would be first be Alice Bailey
> for such an endeavour, but I don't really believe in such things.
Actually, I do not believe that any of the seed groups would come out
of the Theosophical Society. Rather, I believe that the seed groups
could only be formed in an atmosphere of religious experimentation, an
atmosphere which the TS was a key part of creating (although not
necessarily a major part). Secondly, I think that the knowledge made
public (or more public) by the Theosophical Society acted as a healthy
gene influx to these seed groups, increasing the chances that they will
eventually become Adepts. Mind you, the overwhelming majority of these
seed groups just self destruct.
Bart Lidofsky
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