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Re: Not that you should care..."Promise Keepers" or Power Takers?

Oct 09, 1997 00:26 AM
by Drpsionic

One of my least favorite people, Mao Tse Tung, wrote, "Power comes from the
barrel of a gun."

For those of you are interested, operational testing of the tepaphone (the
psionic death ray mentioned in literature about 1920's German magickal orders
and which was lost during the bombings of the second world war and which we
may have rediscovered) begins tomorrow.  

The simplicity of both device and operation make it possible that everyone in
the world will soon have access to a machine that can, for the first time
since the invention of gunpowder, redress the balance of power between
society and the individual, giving each one who possess the capacity to
project power with the same effectiveness as a nation state.

Stick around.  Things are gonna get interesting!

Chuck the Heretic

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