Not that you should care..."Promise Keepers" or Power Takers?
Oct 08, 1997 04:52 PM
Merilyn Tunneshende, Angela Browne-Miller, Robert Standing Bear will present
their powerful work at the Prophets Conference taking place this coming
weekend, October 10-12 in Phoenix. Don't miss this momentous event with
today's leading messengers of coming change.
MERILYN TUNNESHENDE - In 1979, having just graduated from college, Merilyn
began a seventeen year apprenticeship in the Yuman desert to the Nagual John
Black Crow, or don Juan Matus as he is sometimes called. Shortly afterwards,
she also entered into an apprenticeship with the Mayan dreamer, seer, healer
and day keeper Chon Yakil, or don Genaro Flores, which still continues to
this day.
During the course of her work in languages, comparative religion and
philosophy, Ms. Tunneshende received a Masters degree and was awarded a
grant from the national Endowment for the Humanities to continue doctoral
research on the Maya. She now works as an author, speaker, educator, seminar
presenter and practitioner of ancient Nagualist shamanism. In addition to
these efforts, she has also undertaken training in the energetic healing
arts, under Master Dreamer and practitioner Chon Yakil, with the special
area of emphasis being HIV and other extremely difficult conditions, and has
begun dialoguing with the medical community.
Her book Medicine Dream has been hailed as the beginning of a new era of
feminine energy work, in keeping with the prophecies of the Mayan Tzolkin
calendar. Ms.
Tunneshende has appeared on television and is often a featured author in
Magical Blend magazine. She is a contributor to their new book of original
essays Solstice Shift, A Synergistic Guide to the Coming Age, available in
September, 1997.
ANGELA BROWNE-MILLER - is a psychotherapist who works with people in
transition, shock, abduction crisis, and others, spiritual scientist,
seminar leader, and author whose
most recent three books include the prophecy book, Omega Point, Bear & Co.'s
Death, and Truthseeker Foundation's How to Die and Survive: The
Interdimensional Travel
Manual. She is an emissary of the light committee seven, descendant of
Freeborn Triton lineage, founder of Metaterra at, and Earth branch director of Underground
Rising, the age old on and off planet organization aimed at warding off
intergalactic fascism. MATIR ASURIM - set the captives free.
ROBERT STANDING BEAR - Bridge of the Nations - Elder wisdom, discusses the
medicine of the Phoenix Fire Bird in a journey to wisdom through open heart
unconditional love. The Earth changes are drawing everyone to the feminine
energy necessary to heal the planet, and this is the work to which Standing
Bear is committed.
Keith: Sorry, if I quoted too much, but I was fascintated how the new age
smorgasborg keeps increasing in quantity, if not quality. I will try to keep
my points brief.
Have you noticed that there really does seem to be a worship of the feminine
in all this globalism, new world order for the new age stuff? Not that this
is bad. The Promise Keepers want to recapture the past of male responisbility
and control, one household at a time. The founder promises to make it an
international movement! Not that that is bad either.
Theosophy had its chance and has regressed into a warm fuzzy new age blur on
the outside disguising a cult of the "Masters" and demands of impossible
purity for those that get past the first few years of readings. Not that that
is bad either.
The point I am really trying to make is that the new age has become hopelessly
fragmentized into chasing after every new millenialist guru and then selling
it back to the people who are already convinced. Theosophy took up the noble
challenge of synthesizing philosphy, science and religion. Some say a
synthesis is like a pyramid that must have the base of the past to stand on.
Is the pyramid of evolution of philosophy and religion crumbling under the
need for science and technology on the one hand and fantasy in the grotesque
extreme in our art, fashion and culture?
Keith PRice
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