Re: Theosophy an Intellectual Endeavor?
Oct 08, 1997 03:58 PM
by M K Ramadoss
At 03:12 PM 10/8/97 -0400, Tim Maroney wrote:
>>It was never ever intended to be an "intellectual endeavor"
>This is a hard statement for me to understand given Blavatsky's
>allusion-heavy style and her constant attempts to deal with contemporary
>philosophical and scientific issues.
A P Sinnett seems to have had questions on the same lines as well as several
related ones. At any rate, KH, one of her bosses in the TS endeavor,
discussed TS with His boss and there is a long letter which summarizes the
discussion that took place. I think it is timely that I should post as soon
as I am able to locate it.
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