Re: Theosophy an Intellectual Endeavor?
Oct 08, 1997 02:13 PM
by kymsmith
Tim wrote:
>>[Doss] It was never ever intended to be an "intellectual endeavor"
>This is a hard statement for me to understand given Blavatsky's
>allusion-heavy style and her constant attempts to deal with contemporary
>philosophical and scientific issues.
I guess I don't consider Blavatsky to BE theosophy. Theosophy was around
long before she ever heard of it - perhaps she felt she would serve
theosophy best by approaching it in her "allusion-heavy style." But, again,
theosophy is not one person, nor the opinions of that one person. One can
be a theosophist and never pick up a pen or engage in "intellectual
endeavors". . .
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