Re: web page update: Into to Crowley Studies
Oct 09, 1997 04:57 AM
by ramadoss
At 03:16 AM 10/9/97 -0400, you wrote:
>In a message dated 97-10-08 15:56:13 EDT, you write:
>>A new Introduction to Crowley Studies is now available at
>>Tim Maroney
>Excellent. Do you have the material on the Wierda Conference where he was
>proclaimed the TRUE world teacher (as opposed to the boring Krishnamurti)?
>Chuck the Heretic
Very interesting. We find from time to time someone claiming to be a True
World Teacher. So we have a number of claimants to the position.
One who *did* not make such a claim was Krishnamurti himself.
Of course Krishnamurti may be boring to some. But many find his lectures
interesting and not boring. Different strokes for different people.
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