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Re: Digest 1272

Oct 08, 1997 01:56 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

Nicole Suter wrote:
> To Bart Lidofsky: Re Masters as Aliens - I read what you wrote
> about the situation in New York - to me this seems to be terryfingly
> ressembling to that what one finds if one logs in at the network
> with the word "stormfront". I am sometimes "watching" there,
> what's going on. To me  it's worse than bullshit (sorry for the word),
> but what they are trying to realize. My psychological definition for
> such behaviour is called "mothersons" (not ment to value men or
> women and there are also "motherdaughters") but just used as topicword
> psychology uses to describe an unnatural development which seems
> to be more common these days than the originally natural one. But
> why should human beeings develop naturally as long as its unnatural
> one brings so much money? And least but not last, various churches
> do lots of things to keep everything that way it has been kept, I don't
> know since when. Realistically enough?

	I have just read your statement the 4th time. I can't figure out what
you're talking about!!!! :(

	Bart Lidofsky

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