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Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?

Oct 08, 1997 01:47 PM
by Bart Lidofsky

A. Safron wrote:
> > It looks like until and unless there is clear recognition and positive
> > organized efforts to connect to rest of the humanity, it is very likely we
> > may see all the theosophical organizations shut down during our life time,
> > with a lot of valuable property in the hands of a few who can and may have a
> > very good time. At least one organization (TSA) has already got a legal
> > framework setup for this eventuality.
> >
> A legal framwowrk? In what way?

	There is a foundation set up to control the property of the TSA and the
various Lodges if the membership can no longer do so.

	Bart Lidofsky

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