Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?
Oct 08, 1997 05:49 AM
by A. Safron
> From:
> Subject: Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?
> Date: Wednesday, October 08, 1997 12:38 AM
> It was the same argument and question that APS addressed to the Mahatmas and
> was fully responded to in the famous letter of Maha Chohan which every
> leader starting from HPB had considered to be the charter of the TS.
> Of course there are a lot of theosophical doctrines/theories which a humble
> average man or woman on the street will find it very demanding mentally to
> understand.
Most people are also highly stretched for time these days. Moms work because
they have to pay their share of the mortgage, kid trot off to day car, down-sizing in
companies makes the employees work twice as hard. It is no wonder the most
of the members of TSA are members-at-large. All they have time for is to read
the magazine on the train or go to an occasional lecture.
The on-line discussion group, NL-l and ts-l was supposed to provide a gap for
this, but since I dropped out of both I can't vouch for their success.
<snip> (and pursing the real or
> imagined "occult" progress towards initiations and adeptship -- of course
> when one becomes an initiate or adept one can brag about it to all our
> fellow beings how far one has advanced). Such lack of focus on the practical
> help to our fellow humans may be the root cause of the lackluster response
> from the public to theosophy these days.
Why should anyone bellieve them that they are barely an initiate or adept. I say it
takes one to know one.
> It also may be recalled that when London Lodge members complained to the
> Adepts about the lack of progress, one of the Adepts commented that when
> everyone was pursuing selfish ends, what else one should expect.
> It looks like until and unless there is clear recognition and positive
> organized efforts to connect to rest of the humanity, it is very likely we
> may see all the theosophical organizations shut down during our life time,
> with a lot of valuable property in the hands of a few who can and may have a
> very good time. At least one organization (TSA) has already got a legal
> framework setup for this eventuality.
A legal framwowrk? In what way?
A. Safron
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