Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?
Oct 08, 1997 11:40 AM
by M K Ramadoss
At 08:51 AM 10/8/97 -0400, you wrote:
>> From:
>> Subject: Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?
>> Date: Wednesday, October 08, 1997 12:38 AM
>> It was the same argument and question that APS addressed to the Mahatmas and
>> was fully responded to in the famous letter of Maha Chohan which every
>> leader starting from HPB had considered to be the charter of the TS.
>> Of course there are a lot of theosophical doctrines/theories which a humble
>> average man or woman on the street will find it very demanding mentally to
>> understand.
>Most people are also highly stretched for time these days. Moms work because
>they have to pay their share of the mortgage, kid trot off to day car,
down-sizing in
>companies makes the employees work twice as hard. It is no wonder the most
>of the members of TSA are members-at-large. All they have time for is to read
>the magazine on the train or go to an occasional lecture.
> The on-line discussion group, NL-l and ts-l was supposed to provide a gap for
>this, but since I dropped out of both I can't vouch for their success.
><snip> (and pursing the real or
>> imagined "occult" progress towards initiations and adeptship -- of course
>> when one becomes an initiate or adept one can brag about it to all our
>> fellow beings how far one has advanced). Such lack of focus on the practical
>> help to our fellow humans may be the root cause of the lackluster response
>> from the public to theosophy these days.
>Why should anyone bellieve them that they are barely an initiate or adept.
I say it
>takes one to know one.
>> It also may be recalled that when London Lodge members complained to the
>> Adepts about the lack of progress, one of the Adepts commented that when
>> everyone was pursuing selfish ends, what else one should expect.
>> It looks like until and unless there is clear recognition and positive
>> organized efforts to connect to rest of the humanity, it is very likely we
>> may see all the theosophical organizations shut down during our life time,
>> with a lot of valuable property in the hands of a few who can and may have a
>> very good time. At least one organization (TSA) has already got a legal
>> framework setup for this eventuality.
>A legal framwowrk? In what way?
>A. Safron
With the recent changes in TSA bylaws, it can be shutdown and all the assets
get transferred to TIT and once it is inside TIT, the Trustees can do almost
anything with the assets and get away with it. The Trustees are not
answerable to any one and need not disclose any information on anything they
do or how the money is spent.
There is the classic example of Krishnamurti Trusts where even Krishnamurti
when he was alive could not find out anything about the finances until
finally a law suit had to be inititated by the new trusts and California
Attorney General. Not a very pretty sight and the Trustees included some who
belonged to TSA. BTW, Rajagopal the key trustee was travelling in First
Class Air Travel with Trust funds.
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