Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?
Oct 08, 1997 05:36 AM
by A. Safron
> From:
> Subject: Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?
> Date: Tuesday, October 07, 1997 11:29 PM
> Actually, I find theosophists to be extremely interesting when they aren't
> driving me nuts. And the truth is that theosophy is a an intellectual
> endeavor that will never appeal to the masses and there is no reason why it
> should.
> Of course being in my cynical nihilist mode right now it lacks a certain
> appeal for me as well, but that will pass.
> If only Theosophists would blow something up occasionally!
I agree. There may always be a group on intellectuals sitting around and
sipping tea - but not a great crowd of them. Maybe TS is the place for them.
As for blowing up something - maybe they could try some balloons.
A. Safron
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