Re: Theosophy for the Upper Crust or the Masses?
Oct 08, 1997 05:36 AM
by ramadoss
At 01:57 AM 10/8/97 -0400, wrote:
>Chuck wrote:
>> And the truth is that theosophy is a an intellectual
>>endeavor that will never appeal to the masses and there is no reason why it
>Oh, please. Theosophy is not an "intellectual endeavor" - it's more a
>philosophy/method of living. There are many people who would be considered
>stupid by "intellectuals," but know more about what being a theosophist
>really means than these same intellectuals could even begin to comprehend.
>I'd rather sup with a wino than Algeo any day.
You are right on the money.
It was never ever intended to be an "intellectual endeavor" It appears to
have become one and that is why the membership is so pitfully small and is
declining with no light at the end of the tunnel for better days to come. I
hope more of see it the way you and I are seeing it, that is where the hope
of the future is.
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