Re: Elitism's source
Oct 02, 1997 01:51 PM
by Titus Roth
"K. Paul Johnson" <> wrote:
[Network versus hierarchy stuff snipped]
> That's half the problem with Theosophical elitism, IMO. The
> other half is the whole idea of occultism/esotericism. To the
> extent that some "knowledge" has been kept secret for the
> favored few and concealed from the unworthy masses, elitism is
> part and parcel of the allure of esoterica. Which means that
> the people attracted to these ideas are predisposed to want to
> be an elite. That goes back a long way, since Gnosticism for
> example reeks of it.
My $0.02 worth: I agree with Doss's remarks that you can look at things in
hierarchical fashion or in "network" fashion. Both have some validity. Where
"elitism" comes in is with ego comparisons. It is when we *identify* with
knowledge that we get into trouble. I can admire one truth and think it is
more accurate than another, but I don't think my admiration makes little old
Titus any better than someone else. Furthermore, my application of that truth
may be woefully inadequate. A fire-and-brimstone fundamentalist may live his
life better than I, while subscribing to a more antiquated picture of the
world. Let's not get rid of differences, but let's take the ego out of
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