Re: Elitism's source
Oct 02, 1997 05:37 AM
by A. Safron
> From: K. Paul Johnson <>
> Subject: Elitism's source
> Date: Wednesday, October 01, 1997 2:03 PM
> That's half the problem with Theosophical elitism, IMO. The
> other half is the whole idea of occultism/esotericism. To the
> extent that some "knowledge" has been kept secret for the
> favored few and concealed from the unworthy masses, elitism is
> part and parcel of the allure of esoterica. Which means that
> the people attracted to these ideas are predisposed to want to
> be an elite. That goes back a long way, since Gnosticism for
> example reeks of it.
I cannot speak for others regarding Gnosticism, but the brief 2
years I was involved with it, I was not seeking elitism. I was
attracted to its intuitive knowledge and writings. Perhaps that
comes off as elitism to others because it is hard to understand.
A. Safron
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