Re: David Icke
Sep 30, 1997 08:37 PM
by Drpsionic
In a message dated 97-09-30 22:54:48 EDT, you write:
>Keith Price: There is going to be a big new age conference in Phonenix. I
>got this blurb on David Icke. He supposedly had a spiritual experience
>(initiation?) where it was revealed that there are secret societies that
>control the world and keep us under a kind of hypnosis of consumerism,
>dissatisfaction, addiction and so on. I kind of think this is going on, but
>it isn't a conscious conspiracy, but a kind of collusion of delusion -
>attachement to the material maya of this globe. Has anyone else heard of
>this guy??
No, but he sounds real icky to me.
>David Icke has been rightly dubbed the most controversial and challenging
>man in Britain today, and is fast winning an international reputation for
>saying what others fear to say.
Big deal. I've been doing that for years now.
>Icke was a professional soccer player, journalist, BBC television presenter
>and national spokesman for the UK Green Party before he experienced a very
>public spiritual awakening in 1990.
Before or after he set the bobbie on fire during the game riot? Does he
start every sentence with "Duh...?" Does he have an impenetrable north
country accent?
>His talks and books expose the global conspiracy and reveal the spiritual
>transformation that will bring true freedom to planet earth. Author of ten
>books, including "And The Truth Shall Set You Free" and "I Am Me I Am
And can he sing "I've Got To Be Me?"
>At the Prophets Conference David Icke will talk about The Turning of the
>Tide where he "exposes the real story behind global events which shape the
>future of human existence and the world we leave our children. Fearlessly
>he lifts the veil on an astonishing web of interconnected manipulation to
>reveal that the same few people, secret societies and organizations control
>the daily direction of our lives. They engineer the wars, the violent
>revolutions, terrorist outrages and political assassinations. They control
>the world market in hard drugs and the media indoctrination machine."
Whoopeee! This sounds like fun.
>Icke reveals the esoteric background to the global conspiracy and offers an
>inspiring spiritual solution in which every man, woman and child breaks free
>from the daily programming and takes back their infinite power to think for
>themselves and decide their own destiny.
What is this conspiracy? Where do I sign up? Can they use a psionics
expert? How much does it pay?
Hope it's not the dipshit Co-Masons again. They couldn't conspire their way
out of a paper bag.
I WANT TO BE A BILDERBURGER!!!!!! ( I build a great burger as it is)
Chuck the Heretic
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