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Re: advanced

Sep 30, 1997 08:35 PM
by libidia

Hi John:  You wrote:
> On a serious note, I'm curious about opinions on the list ....
> 1. What *is* "advanced"?
> 2. By what outward signs would you recognize "advancement"?
> 3. Do you need to *be* "advanced" to recongize "advancement"?
> Really curious,
> -JRC
I'm going to stretch to answer this, after my immediate response which
was that I could not comment as your posting in totality represented a
contradiction in terms.
1.  "Advanced" does not exist.  "is" probably "is" an infinite process,
most of which "was" but, sometimes (oh joy) was and is and will be, at
the same time.
2.  Oh come on John, you can't trick us that way!  The signs of the
process are inward. (Am I reading you right?)
3.  I just have to borrow from Pete here:  Wherever you go, there you
are (were, will be).
It would please me if you wrote some statements (as opposed to
questions)so I can "see" you more clearly.

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