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Heresey of Paranoia

Jul 07, 1996 09:50 AM
by Keith Price

Jerry S. wrote concerning my post on the Heresey of Separateness::
.  I believe your quote is from Buddha rather
than Blavaksky.  Another way to look at friends and enemies
is through the Jungian idea of psychic projection.  We project
"friends" and "enemies" onto others based on how we think
that they treat us.  They are really just people, neither friends
nor enemies.  People do good and bad things, but are
themselves just people, neither good nor bad.


Yes, thanks! That's what I think the new psychology of relationships seems to
assert for those that have been exposed to twelve step programs, dyfunctional
family therapy and co-dependence issues and breathes there a soul so deep that
hasn't been subjected to the good the bad and the psycho babble :))  There are
no good and bad actions or emotions, only appropriate and inappropriate, but who
decides which is which? You still have to have some standards of ethical actions
which turn out to be either the therapists or "common sense".

Men are from Mars and women are from Venus and children are from the Moon and
occultists are from Uranus (an old pun,  right Chuck?  :) ). 

I believe you are right in that we make our own friends and enemies and
transform our relationships as we go  along and can be both friend and enemy at
the same time.  But yet there seems to be the special fated relationships,
sometimes called coyly "soulmates".  Soulmates from hell, sometimes, trust me

Astrologically, these may be indicated by synastry, but we all know them when we
get them.  Everything takes on the aura of "fatal attraction" or father figure
or smother mother and all the archetypal/psychological relationship patterns.
And whether past life regression gets one in touch with actual past lives or the
psychological residue of humanity called by Jung the "collective unconscious"
and the "astral light" by ocultists matters little, it can have trans-rational
consequences for the individual or society.  It can create psychological
situations that have a life of their own.

Alan responded also with:

This is more or less the view I came to some time ago, and so far it is
still, for me, the most satisfactory explanation of apparent
reoncarnation experience(s).  How many bodies we have as single
individuals may not be too important though.  I take the view that we
may have an accessible four bodies, but that these interpenetrate each
other, so that whn I look at you, say, my eyes see one person who is
actually the outward and visible manifestation of an essential I-dentity
existing in four "states" simultaneously.  There *is* a case for seven,
but it is rather abstract, and does not seem to be capable of direct
confirmation, whereas this *is* possible with four.

Burble, burble ....


I must admit that I took the idea that "we have enemies (or karmic bankers)
coming to us from past lives to collect old debts" a little to seriously.  I
almost saw in smiles a secret repaciousness.  I think the trouble again  may be
in seeing myself as the center of the karmic drama - MY enemies, MY friends, MY
soulmates, MY past life spiritual teacher etc.  These leads to, of course, an
inflated ego, or possible full blown paranoia.  Meditation seems a safer place
to work out some of these issues, rather than assuming everyone is a karmic bill
collector.  Yet I feel I really do carry over a lot of past life issues and am
forced to examine my life experiences in the light of karma, magnetically drawn
again and again to occult subjects particullary astrology which is rife with
this type of thinking.

Sometimes I lead with my chin, changing would be friends into enemies and so I
didn't mean to suggest that occultists are old enemies or friends, yet we seem
to have a similar psychology of needing to get to the bottom of things, going
into forbidden territory and possibly getting burned for a certian egotism and
selfishness (I speak for myself), yet with a driveness to idealism because
something more is desired, even demanded than the simple appearance of things.

Keith Price

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