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May 22, 1996 04:52 PM
by Alan

In ~Isis Unveiled~ H.P.Blavatsy gives an account (Before The Veil, p.
xxx, 1877 edition) of the Essenes, uploaded with other material as
ISI005.TXT to theos-roots.

In the light of modern knwoledge, there are misconceptions in this
account, some of which I attempt to bring the reader's attention to by
treating the item as a "posting" to the list. :-)

"ESSENES - from Asa, a healer."

This is a common derivation, even today, and originates from the *Greek*
accounts of such writers as Pliny (mentioned below) and Josephus.  The
fact is, however, that this sect consisted of Israelites ("Jews") and it
is more than likely that as in the case of such Hebrew and Aramaic-
speaking sects, that we are looking at (in the Greek) a
*transliteration* of a Hebrew or Aramaic word.  As I have shown in my
work ~The Nazarenes~ the name is most likely derived from the
Armaic/Hebrew word 'Ozin' - a seer.  Thus we find in the century before
the ministry of Jesus the Nazarene 'Ozin' that the Jewish Rabbi Hillel
sent a missionary band of Pharisees to the Gentiles (Nations) headed by
one "Menahem the Essene."  So, a Pharisee could be an Essene! - in other
words Pharisees could be seers, in which respect see also HPB's comments
in the item quoted.

"A sect of Jews said by Pliny to have lived near the Dead Sea "per
millia saeculorum" - for thousands of ages."

Often equated today with the Qumran Community whose habitation is
thought to have been the home of the keepers of the Dead Sea Scrolls,
before the Romans destroyed it.  However, Pliny and others also state
that Essenes were to be found in numerous other places as well.

"Some have supposed them to be extreme Pharisees; and others - which may
be the true theory - the descendants of the Benim nabim of the Bible,
and think they were "Kenites" and "Nazarites." They had many Buddhistic
ideas and practices;"

Alas, HPB gives us no examples, and from what is recorded of the
Essenes, there is little to support such a notion.

"... and it is noteworthy that the priests of the Great Mother at
Ephesus, Diana-Bhavani with many breasts, were also so denominated."

Presumably "healers" - but this is doubtful in the case of the Essenes
generally, though likely in the case of the Jesus sect, who were
enjoined by Jesus to heal the sick.

"Eusebius, and after him De Quincey, declared them to be the same as the
early Christians, which is more than probable."

Eusebius (4th century) came in for a lot of flak over this in subsequent
centuries, but IMO he was almost certainly correct.

"The title "brother" used in the early Church, was Essenean: they were a
fraternity, or a koinobion or community like the early converts. It is
noticeable that only the Sadducees, or Zadokites, the priest-caste and
their partisans, persecuted the Christians; the Pharisees were generally
scholastic and mild, and often sided with the latter. James the Just was
a Pharisee till his death; but Paul or Aher was esteemed a schismatic."

Many might argue that Paul was a schismatic, and from the point of view
of the earliest Jerusalem Community ("Church") this was more than likely
the case.  It contained a number of practising Pharisees besides James
the Just. However, Paul himself states quite clearly *after his
conversion* that

   'I am a Pharisee, the son of Pharisees' [Acts 23:6]

- so it was possible to be a 'Christian' and a Pharisee at the same
time.  Confusing, isn't it? :-)

'Pharisee' derives from a Hebrew/Aramaic word meaning 'separated, set
apart' - a condition similar to that of the Nazirites or Nazarenes, but
denoting a (spiritual) way of life.  Nazirites/Nazarenes however, were
'under a vow' made usually for a specific period, although it seems that
it *could* be made for life.

The chances are, therefore, IMO, that Essenes *were* "extreme"
Pharisees, and not HPB's favored alternative.

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