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Re: Now it gets interesting

May 03, 1996 01:34 PM
by Jerry Schueler

>What the Heisenberg principle shows, and what Bee's post re-affirms, is that
>the universe is NOT materialistically determined.  HPB said the same thing.
>MIND is what has a huge impact on matter and the course of evolution.  One
>can look at these experiments in quantum physics and be very impressed by the
>fact that HPB knew and discussed this decades before the actual proof came to
>us WEsterners.
> Thus MIND is the definitive factor in the manifestation of reality.
>In my opinion, this is exactly what the SECRET DOCTRINE teaches, and all the
>more reason to see value in that work.

	Rich, while I kind of agree with you, I am not so sure that
HPB "discussed" quantum mechanics or quantum theory.  I think that
she says mind *can* effect matter, but I don't recall her ever saying
that it *does* whether we like it or not.  The idea that matter follows
mind, and expresses it, is pure Christian Science, which HPB
rejected.  Could you give me some quotes to back up your thesis?
Maybe we could start a new thread?  This is an intriguing topic.

	Jerry S.

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