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Re: clarification

May 02, 1996 10:01 AM
by Alan

In message <>, Kim Poulsen
<> writes
>>When you and the rest of
>>the list decided to change the objects of TI I accepted the new objects
>>even though no mention of Universal Brotherhood was mentioned in the new
>>objects nor in the rest of the document. That was inconceivable to me at
>>that time, and I wrote it to you, and it is still inconceivable to me.

The TI statement is *clear*:

THEOSOPHY INTERNATIONAL comprises men and women who, of their own
   free choice, subscribe to the spirit of the three objects first
   formulated by the Theosophical Society, but in a more up-to-date
   form based on suggestions by members of the internet community,
   and expressed thus:

1. To form a nucleus within the universal human family, without
   distinction of sex, sexual orientation, creed, class, or color.
>Rudy and Alan,
>   I must have slept in class. I am very partial to the idea contained in
>the word "universal brotherhood" - even if the wording are a bit unhappy.
>The new text only mentions a nucleous (a germ!!!), etc. - without any of
>the beauty of the original - as an IDEA. An idea which often makes me happy
>when contemplating it, perhaps the grandest concept of theosophy. Despite
>all the minds involved in creating the new text, I feel that it is rather
>inferior to the original. Perhaps it cannot be done completely satisfactory
>in english.

We *are* trying to update the *language* but we are *not* trying to
change the intention of the founders to work towards human unity in its
highest expression.

>   More brain-storming needed! But Rudy?s post raises an interesting
>objection: can these objects really be changed after people have signed up?

Yes, by consensus! Every TI member on the list was sent a copy of the
revised statement as it now appears, AND it was posted to theos-buds.
Every TI member was asked to vote "Yes" or "No" and most voted "Yes".
It was stated clearly that the change would take place from May 1st, if
members agreed, and that anyone NOT voting would be regarded as having
voted "Yes."  Not one "no" vote was received.

>Many of us may have signed on to quite different things. I remember raising
>the eyebrow of the mere postuation of such a thing as hidden objects behind
>the objects of the TS some time ago.
>   I may of course have voted in favor of these changes to the TI revised
>objects, thinking I voted for Murray?s objection against the word "free"
>In friendship,
So, we have not created NEW objects, we have simply EXPRESSED them in a
different way, which we believe (as I understand it) to be more in
keeping with the perceptions and use of the English language in the 21st
century.  Without the *original* objects we would have nothing to

At the same time, TI is *not* the Theosophical Society (Adyar) *nor* the
T.S. (Pasadena) *nor* is it the U.L.T. or *any other* theosophical
organisation.  TI is TI!

I have written an introduction to TI in two parts, both of which were
posted to the list, clearly indentified as my personal view.  There is a
link to part two of my introduction on Rudy's Web page, which *also*
deals with the question of clarification you have raised.  I am e-
mailing you a copy of both.

Clearly, the use of the 19th century language is one of the things that
TI sees as an obstacle to attracting new people to theosophy - a known
fact; I have spoken to many people who have been put off by it, and at
least one woman who *resigned* in protest at being regarded as a
"fellow" and a "brother."  To suddenly find the outdated language
appearing on putative TI Web page was quite alarming, and also
depressing.  Surely we do not have to debate all over again one of the
reasons we came into being in the first place?

Alan :-(
Ancient Wisdom for a New Age

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