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Several more items

Jun 20, 1995 08:56 PM

(1) I am glad that the two books MAN, THE MEASURE OF ALL THINGS
and MAN, SON OF MAN have been mentioned on Theos-l.  These books
bring back fond memories of reading and studying these books in
the early 70s.  I remember having a detailed correspondence over
many months with Geoffrey Barborka about MAN, SON OF MAN.  Mr.
Barborka took issue with many of the interpretations given in
this work by Sri Madhava Ashish.  Even I disagree with some of
Ashish's views but the book is very thought-provoking and I hope
all serious students of THE SECRET DOCTRINE have read this work.

(2) In the current issue of THE AMERICAN THEOSOPHIST appears an
article by myself entitled "The Myth of the `Missing' Third
Volume of THE SECRET DOCTRINE.  "Those of you who may be
disinterested in history will probably yawn.  But for those who
value history as well as the philosophy of Theosophy, may find
this article of some interest.  I am well aware that some
Blavatsky students will disagree with my thesis in this article,
but I hope the article will provoke a careful review of the
issues involved.  Each of us make certain assumptions, many times
without carefull study of the relevant facts, and then treat
these assumptions as TRUTH, REALITY.  My intent in this article
on Volume III of the Secret Doctrine was to go back to the source
documents written when the writing of the SD occurred and try to
determine what really happened.  If any one reading this posting
is interested but does not have access to THE AMERICAN
THEOSOPHIST, please let me know and I will send you a copy.  Also
I would appreciate any comments on anything discussed in this
article.  Also if anyone disagrees with my thesis, please post
your reasons on Theos-l.  I would love to see what those reasons
are.  They might shed more light on the subject!

(3) Concerning Paul Johnson's book THE MASTERS REVEALED, I saw a
favorable review of his book by John Cooper published earlier
this year in THEOSOPHY IN AUSTRALIA.  I don't have the review in
front on me so I can't give the specific issue.

I also see that in the current issue of THE AMERICAN THEOSOPHIST
that there is a review of Paul's book written by Dr.  John Algeo.
In this review Dr.  Algeo refers readers to a more detailed
review of THE MASTERS REVEALED that will appear in the July 1995
HISTORY is also written by Dr.  Algeo.  I hope that some of
Theos-l subscribers might take this opportunity to subsribe to
THEOSOPHICAL HISTORY.  This journal on Theosophical research and
history needs all our support.  I believe a one year subscription
in USA is $15.00.  I don't have all the particulars before me.
Dr.  Santucci is a subscriber on Theos-l and I hope he will give
all pat particulars on how interested individuals may subscribe

I also hope that Paul Johnson will be given space in THEOSOPHICAL
HISTORY to respond to Dr.  Algeo's review.  Anyone who is
interested in Paul Johnson's THE MASTERS REVEALED will learn a
great deal from Dr.  Algeo's review.  No doubt, Paul Johnson's
response will also be informative.

Several months ago on Theos-l, I promised to do a review of
Johnson's book.  I plan in the near future to post a series of
comments on certain statements contained in THE MASTERS REVEALED.
I believe that every serious student of Theosophy should
carefully read THE MASTERS REVEALED.  The book is food for
thought and challenges one's ASSUMPTIONS concerning the Masters.
For that reason alone, the book is MUST reading for open-minded,
truth seeking students of Theosophy.  We have purchased several
copies of the book for the Tucson-Pima Public Library here in
Tucson, Arizona.  Having said that, I still believe that the book
has a flawed thesis and contains a considerable number of errors
and mistakes.  I agree with Dr.  Algeo's review in THE AMERICAN
THEOSPHIST that Paul Johnson fails to REVEAL THE MASTERS.

In trying to "correct" some of the errors in THE MASTERS
REVEALED, I am hoping interested Theosophists will take stock of
their own views of the Masters.  What do they really know about
the Masters? I think we Theosophists all have some flawed
assumptions about the Theosophical Masters.  We have all been to
ready to believe or disbelieve this, that or the other about the
Masters instead of trying to educate ourselves.

>From observing the discussions that have taken place on Theos-l
over the last year or two, I have noticed that too many of us are
too prone to hold on to our "beliefs" and "opinions" on various
aspects of Theosophy.  We tend to be unwilling to discuss
(without emotion) these subjects.  To learn to disagree.  Theos-l
provides an excellent opportunity for Theosophists to have
discussions and dialogues on whatever the subject may be.  Yet so
much of the time, we have not taken full advantage of this forum.
We get our feeling hurt if someone takes a stance different from
our own.  If someone criticizes our "beliefs", we take offence or
clam up.  I could understand this behavior if we were dealing
with "orthodox" Christians, but I guess I have been naive enough
to think that Theosophists would be more mature and more
objective! Alas, we are all human with our flaws, prejudices,

I thank Dr.  Bain for commenting on my posting concerning
Reincarnation.  I would personally like to see Dr.  Bain give us
his detailed reasons for disbelieving in reincarnation (i.e.  as
a general process in Nature in which all humans are involved).
Too many Theosophists accept the concept of REincarnation without
really looking at the subject and asking hard questions.

THanks also to JRC for his comments (some time ago!) on Karma.  I
was very interested in his criteria by which he judged whether
karma was true or not.  My one comment on his critieria is: By
using those same criteria, how many other Theosophical ideas
would stand the test? Would telepathy or levitation pass the test
of JRC's criteria?

books by Prem and Ashish, brings to mind another book that I
believe is an excellent commentary on many of the SD's ideas on
cosmogenesis.  The book is MAN, GOD AND THE UNIVERSE by I.K.
Taimni.  The book contains alot of food for thought on topics
relating to cosmogony and cosmogenesis.  This book by Dr.  Taimni
has been one of my friend's favorite books of the last two or
three years.  My friend is not a "Theosophist" but one day he saw
this title on my book shelf and asked if he could borrow it.
He's not a student of Theosophy but he found the book a treasury
of metaphysics.  To my surprise many serious students of THE
SECRET DOCTRINE have not read this Taimni book!

What are some other good books that shed light on HPB's SECRET
DOCTRINE? Please share them with us!


Daniel H. Caldwell

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