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various responses

Mar 14, 1995 06:02 AM
by LieselFD

Have you noticed what a wide area we have covered in the last few
days, with very interesting, researched responses from everyone?
I think theos-l is coming of age.  Dunno how anyone else feels
about this, but to me, it's been a pleasure reading you-all.

Below, a few brief answers.



You say you'r not familiar with Harry Van Gelder.  He's not as
well known as his famous sister.  I'm leafing through his "Inner
Peace through The Process of Knowing, Essays in Metapsychology",
trying to pick out little pieces to give you the flavor of it.
He talks about electrical fields, you're right.  He also talks
about that each field has 1 more dimension, starting with 3
dimensional "Physical Body: the electro-somatic field.", 4
dimensional "Pysche:development of personality, field of the
emotions & thought process; the electro-psychic field", up to 7
dimensional "Consciousness: the field of all-encompassing unity;
indefinable." I've never heard anyone else call them "fields" &
that makes sense to me.  I can't comprehend more than 3
dimensions, maybe 4, do you?

A little further on "Modern experiments have proven that all
forms are the nature of electric fields.  Visible forms seem
solid to our sight & touch, but measurements by high frequency
scanners show that these perceptions are sensory illusions.

"The pysche & its fields do not have the same space/time
relationship as forms.  Experiments in telephathy & telekinesis
have demonstrated that the psyche is 4 dimensional and operates
in a space/time continuum; hence it does not take measureable
time to cover distance.  This can be demonstrated through the
communications centers in the body that are of a neuro-physical
nature but correspond to the psychic patterns within that field.
"Scientists have demonstrated that the spine & back are a
positive field and the center part of the front of the body is
negative in polarity, and that the right side of the body is
positive and the left side negative." etc.  "The vital forces
from the sun enter the body through the hypograstric & sacral
centers & become modified by the other centers until they reach
the pineal center.  The vital forces then radiate outward to the
body & limbs.  The flow of these forces is probably related to
respiration.  When we inhale, the forces flow upward; when we
exhale, they move through the body and extremities....

"It is important to realize that another center, which can be
elctrically measured, exists about 12 to 15 inches above the
head.  This center, however, begins to function only in people
who have developed their ability to communicate in the higher
dimensional fields.  Thus, it seems to be the communication
center to the subjective fields via its electro-psychic field.
This center above the head is the communication line by which the
4 other centers, which lie in the elkectro-physical field can
reach the higher dimensional subjective fields."

Harry's first educations was as an engineer.  Lateron in life, he
became an osteopath & he knows a lot about Indian & Asian types
of healing, plus what he's developed himself.  If this sounds
interesting to you, I have a spare copy of his book, which I
could send you via snail mail.  But the Olcott Library also has a
copy which you could borrow.

Re: Out in Left Field
If God didn't have us, how would He know Himself?


Thanks for your reply.  I remember well how it is to be a
student.  I went through on scholarships, work/study, loans, and
a pittance consisting of whatever I could earn during summer
vacations, and I didn't know how to sell myself at all, at that
point in my life.  So I understand very well where you're coming
from about not making toll calls to my friends.

If you're exploring mystical experiences, various people from
among us might be able to assist with answering your questions,
if any.  But if you do have some, please don't hesitate to ask.
We'll reply, if we can.


I know a little bit something about the ES.  It's supposed to be
a way of accelerating your spiritual path.  It's also supposed to
provide the TS with leaders.  I don't think it has anything
directly to do with the Masters, except that you're supposed to
be serving them.  OK?

Signing off for today.  It's my week end to have a car, & I have
to finish my errands, in spite of a bad cold.  When I get very
desperate, I take antibiotics .  Well, I just started to.
Hopefully this post isn't too wishy washy.



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