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Jan 17, 1994 03:26 PM
by Eldon B. Tucker
This is by Brenda Tucker Vol II p. 640-1 "And here, we must be allowed a last remark. No true theosophist, from the most ignorant up to the most learned, ought to claim infallibility for anything he may say or write upon occult matters. The chief point is to admit that, in many a way, in the classification of either cosmic or human principles, in addition to mistakes in the order of evolution, and especially on metaphysical questions, those of us who pretend to teach others more ignorant than ourselves are all liable to err. Thus mistakes have been made in "Isis Unveiled," in "Esoteric Buddhism," in "Man," in "Magic: White and Black," etc., etc.; and more than one mistake is likely to be found in the present work. This cannot be helped. For a large or even a small work on such abstruse subjects to be entirely exempt from error and blunder, it would have to be written from its first to its last page by a great adept, if not by an Avatar. Then only should we say, "This is verily a work without sin or blemish in it!" But, so long as the artist is imperfect, how can his work be perfect? "Endless is the search for truth!" Let us love it and aspire to it for its own sake, and not for the glory or benefit a minute portion of its revelation may confer on us. For who of us can presume to have the whole truth at his fingers' ends, even upon one minor teaching of Occultism? Our chief point in the present subject, however, was to show that the Septenary doctrine, or division of the constitution of man, was a very ancient one, and was not invented by us. This has been successfully done, for we are supported in this, consciously and unconsciously, by a number of ancient, mediaeval, and modern writers. What the former said, was well said; what the latter repeated, was generally distorted. An instance: Read the "Pythagorean Fragments," and compare the Septenary man as given by the Rev, G. Oliver, the learned mason, in his "Pythagorean Triangle" (ch. on " Science of Numbers," P. I 79) - He speaks as follows: "The Theosophic Philosophy counted SEVEN properties (or principles), in Man, viz.: (1.) The divine golden Man; (2.) The inward holy body from fire and light, like pure silver; (3.) The elemental man; (4.) The mercurial paradisiacal man; (5.) The martial Soul-like man; (6.) The passionate man of desires; (7.) The Solar man; a witness to and inspector of the wonders of the Universe. They had also seven fountain Spirits, or Powers of Nature."" I guess the lesson here is not to repeat things or be a mimic, but to let the ancients do the teaching, or perhaps work to "become an ancient" through your heart-felt activities. Then you're admissions will be infallible. p. 153 Vol I. "Or as usually named after the manner of Esoteric Buddhism and others: 1, Atma; 2, Buddhi (or Spiritual Soul); 3, Manas (Human Soul); 4, Kama Rupa (Vehicle of Desires and Passions); 5, Linga Sarira; 6, Prana; 7, Sthula Sarira" Jerry H-E says that "the astral body has nothing to do with emotions, but is the model from which the physical body molds itself." If this is so, then why does H.P.B. in The Secret Doctrine write these statements: p. 244-5 Vol I "The astral through Kama (desire) is ever drawing Manas down into the sphere of material passions and desires. But if the better man or Manas tries to escape the fatal attraction and turns its aspirations to Atman - Spirit - then Buddhi (Ruah) conquers and carries Manas with it to the realm of eternal Spirit." p.60 Vol I "It is now in the lap of Maya, the Great Illusion, and between itself and the Reality has the Astral Light, the great Deceiver of man's limited senses, unless Knowledge through Paramarthasatya comes to the rescue." Footnote p.218 Vol I "for were the scale of Angelic Beings to be placed on a parallel line with the scale of the chemical atoms of Science from the hypothetical Helium down to Uranium they would of course be found to differ. For these have, as correspondents on the Astral plane, only the four lowest orders the higher three principles in the atom, or rather molecule or chemical element, being perceptible only to the initiated Dangma's eye. But then, if Chemistry desired to find itself on the right path, it would have to correct its tabular arrangement by that of the Occultists which it may refuse to do. In Esoteric Philosophy, every physical particle corresponds to and depends on its higher noumenon the Being to whose essence it belongs; and above as below, the Spiritual evolves from the Divine, the psycho-mental from the Spiritual tainted from its lower plane by the astral the whole animate and (seemingly) inanimate Nature evolving on parallel lines, and drawing its attributes from above as well as from below." Remember the prototypes are in the Astral Light, which H.P.B. calls Spirit-Matter, but we don't know how much more is there also. This could be a realm for future evolutionary life that we are just beginning to discover. p. 243 Vol I "Why not say that the astral reflects the good as well as the bad man; man who is ever tending to the upper triangle, or else disappears with the Quarternary." Would H.P.B. be referring to a prototype as a Great Deceiver? Are good and bad present in a prototype or is it only a culmination of the stage attained in previous manvantaras? Granted that these are in reference to the ASTRAL LIGHT and not to an astral body, but let me continue to quote. p. 59 Vol I "The idea of ABSOLUTE Unity would be broken entirely in our conception, had we not something concrete before our eyes to contain that Unity.... The roots, the trunk and its many branches are three distinct objects, yet they are one tree.... This manifestation is triple in its aspects, for it requires, as Aristotle has it, three principles for every natural body to become objective: privation, form, and matter. Privation meant in the mind of the great philosopher that which the Occultists call the prototypes impressed in the Astral Light the lowest plane and world of Anima Mundi. The union of these three principles depends upon a fourth the LIFE which radiates from the summits of the Unreachable, to become an universally diffused Essence on the manifested planes of Existence." Here is an example of someone diverging somewhat just by using an unknown term (in today's usage): privation, and neglecting to include the unifying fourth principle. This is part of the commentary on Stanza II, Sloka 4. "Her Heart Had Not Yet Opened For the One Ray to Enter,..." If only people could truly appreciate this oneness, I think their conversation, criticism and opinion would exhibit more love and less disrespect. There is nothing you can do about Leadbeater being one with the Theosophical Movement and I insist that all the disrespectful ridicule be stopped immediately. If the astral by itself is looked at in a three-fold regard, you might first see it as creating, secondly see it as developing, and third see it as being replaced. Then only in its early stage is it a mold - a prototype that has life breathed into it. Picture a balloon - you can't read the words on it until you blow air into it. This is the same way prana, by giving it dimension, starts the atoms of the human form whirling and centrifugal and centripetal forces playing to hence establish it with both matter and form. Now what was once a prototype - a flattened balloon - has life, greater dimension, and can float either upward or fall to the ground depending on the air around it. I do remember where in places the astral was confused with the etheric double. This isn't so bad considering that prototypes MIGHT expand into other planes. Once the form is established though, the mind begins acting upon it to an extent that you might not even recognize the original product. Each time the mind creates a thought so to speak, the astral begins to gather around it (as the thought is a prototype of sorts) and exerts a draw upon it until the thought works out onto the material plane or disintegrates. This process can be harmful and so can human creation, because this would necessarily include all the disharmony that results from erroneous thoughts and actions and in order for us to gain our freedom, we must keep this astral body - or emotional body - free from any influences, outside as well as our own, which might allow the feelings to express the negative side of life, hate, despair, jealousy, fear, etc. With all of the emphasis that is placed on mental attainments, they receive second billing to the way that the inner harmony and purity affects the heart which thereby is able to send forth its "heart light" into the mind, transforming the mind into a perfect one. The only thing I could think of that might be able to replace the activity of the astral in life is the light of buddhi, creating a harmonious powerful feeling nature that annihilates all wrong doing, all erroneous activity, all sinister forces in the vicinity of the person, and when this happens - when the light of buddhi keeps the feeling nature under control (by the attention of the person being focused on the "I AM Presence," the higher nature, or the Soul) buddhi illumines the mind from above and below and the man is not only purified, but the physical vehicle receives so much light that it just transforms into light of a certain nature itself and then is raised into a higher octave of manifestation, and the person becomes a newly ascended being. p.63 Vol I "but its prototype is present in an ideal form in the Astral Light from Dawn to Night during the Manvantaric period, like everything else, as a matter of fact, in this objective Universe; from man down to mite, from giant trees down to the tiniest blades of grass. All this, teaches the hidden Science, is but the temporary reflection, the shadow of the eternal ideal prototype in Divine Thought;.....Fohat runs the Manus' (or Dhyan-Chohans') errands, and causes the ideal prototypes to expand from within without viz., to cross gradually, on a descending scale, all the planes from the noumenon to the lowest phenomenon, to bloom finally on the last into full objectivity the acme of illusion, or the grossest matter." Prototypes are eternal, but it also states that prototypes cross the planes until they reach the lowest. An astral prototype would exist as such until it could make its way into lower matter. p. 56-7 Vol I "This explains the sentence The Mother had not yet swollen the form being usually sacrificed to the inner or root idea in Archaic symbology. The Lotus, or Padma, is, moreover, a very ancient and favourite simile for the Kosmos itself, and also for man. The popular reasons given are, firstly, the fact just mentioned, that the Lotus-seed contains within itself a perfect miniature of the future plant, which typifies the fact that the spiritual prototypes of all things exist in the immaterial world before those things become materialised on Earth. Secondly, the fact that the Lotus plant grows up through the water, having its root in the Ilus, or mud, and spreading its flower in the air above. The Lotus thus typifies the life of man and also that of the Kosmos; for the Secret Doctrine teaches that the elements of both are the same, and that both are developing in the same direction. The root of the Lotus sunk in the mud represents material life, the stalk passing up through the water typifies existence in the astral world, and the flower floating on the water and opening to the sky is emblematical of spiritual being." I haven't read thoroughly all of the discussions between Jerry H-E and Arvind, because they give me a great pain, but I have seen where Arvind very purposefully lists the planes, and would like to compliment him for knowing that if there is a plane, there must be a body that responds to that plane. Isn't this written somewhere? p. 93 Vol I "This Sloka gives again a brief analysis of the Hierarchies of the Dhyan Chohans, called Devas (gods) in India, or the conscious intelligent powers in Nature. To this Hierarchy correspond the actual types into which humanity may be divided; for humanity, as a whole, is in reality a materialized though as yet imperfect expression thereof. The army of the Voice is a term closely connected with the mystery of Sound and Speech, as an effect and corollary of the cause Divine Thought. As beautifully expressed by P. Christian, the learned author of The History of Magic and of L'Homme Rouge des Tuileries, the word spoken by, as well as the name of, every individual largely determine his future fate. Why? Because When our Soul (mind) creates or evokes a thought, the representative sign of that thought is self-engraved upon the astral fluid, which is the receptacle and, so to say, the mirror of all the manifestations of being."" p. 124 Vol I "The two main theories of science re the relations between Mind and Matter are Monism and Materialism. These two cover the whole ground of negative psychology with the exception of the quasi-occult views of the pantheistic German schools. Footnote p. 124 Not of course in the sense of the German Materialist Moleschott, who assures us that "Thought is the movement of matter," a statement of almost unequalled absurdity. Mental states and bodily states are utterly contrasted as such. But that does not affect the position that every thought, in addition to its physical accompaniment (brain-change), exhibits an objective though to us supersensuously objective aspect on the astral plane. (See "The Occult World," pp. 89, go.)" The two foregoing quotes are references for the activity of the astral energy in response to thought, which I spoke about earlier. p. 166-7 Vol I "If he (meaning the objector) would perceive even the dim silhouette of one of such 'planets' on the higher planes, he has to first throw off even the thin clouds of the astral matter that stands between him and the next plane .." It becomes patent why we could not perceive, even with the help of the best earthly telescopes, that which is outside our world of matter. Those alone, whom we call adepts, who know how to direct their mental vision and to transfer their consciousness physical and psychic both to other planes of being, are able to speak with authority on such subjects." p.218 Vol I "for were the scale of Angelic Beings to be placed on a parallel line with the scale of the chemical atoms of Science from the hypothetical Helium down to Uranium they would of course be found to differ. For these have, as correspondents on the Astral plane, only the four lowest orders the higher three principles in the atom, or rather molecule or chemical element, being perceptible only to the initiated Dangma's eye. But then, if Chemistry desired to find itself on the right path, it would have to correct its tabular arrangement by that of the Occultists which it may refuse to do. In Esoteric Philosophy, every physical particle corresponds to and depends on its higher noumenon the Being to whose essence it belongs; and above as below, the Spiritual evolves from the Divine, the psycho-mental from the Spiritual tainted from its lower plane by the astral the whole animate and (seemingly) inanimate Nature evolving on parallel lines, and drawing its attributes from above as well as from below." This higher sight could discern the planets as well as the noumenon of the elements, it sounds to me. p. 266-7 Vol I "(b) The "Watchers" reign over man during the whole period of Satya Yuga and the smaller subsequent yugas, down to the beginning of the Third Root Race; after which it is the Patriarchs, Heroes, and the Manes (see Egyptian Dynasties enumerated by the priests to Solon), the incarnated Dhyanis of a lower order, up to King Menes and the human kings of other nations; all were recorded carefully. In the views of symbologists this Mythopaeic Age is of course only regarded as a fairy tale. But since traditions and even Chronicles of such dynasties of divine Kings of gods reigning over men followed by dynasties of Heroes or Giants exist in the annals of every nation, it is difficult to understand how all the peoples under the sun, some of whom are separated by vast oceans and belong to different hemispheres, such as the ancient Peruvians and Mexicans, as well as the Chaldeans, could have worked out the same "fairy tales" in the same order of events. However, as the Secret Doctrine teaches history which, for being esoteric and traditional, is none the less more reliable than profane history we are as entitled to our beliefs as anyone else, whether religionist or sceptic. And that Doctrine says that the Dhyani-Buddhas of the two higher groups, namely, the "Watchers" or the "Architects," furnished the many and various races with divine kings and leaders. It is the latter who taught humanity their arts and sciences, and the former who revealed to the incarnated Monads that had just shaken off their vehicles of the lower Kingdoms and who had, therefore, lost every recollection of their divine origin the great spiritual truths of the transcendental worlds. (See Book II., " Divine Dynasties.")" p. 224-5 Vol I. "In our present all-material Fifth Race, the earthly Spirit of the Fourth is still strong in us; but we are approaching the time when the pendulum of evolution will direct its swing decidedly upwards, bringing Humanity back on a parallel line with the primitive third Root-Race in Spirituality. During its childhood, mankind was composed wholly of that Angelic Host, who were the indwelling Spirits that animated the monstrous and gigantic tabernacles of clay of the Fourth Race built by (as they are now also) and composed of countless myriads of lives. This sentence will be explained later on in the present Commentary. The "tabernacles" have improved in texture and symmetry of form, growing and developing with the globe that bore them; but the physical improvement took place at the expense of the spiritual inner man and nature. The three middle principles in earth and man became with every race more material; the Soul stepping back to make room for the physical intellect; the essence of elements becoming the material and composite elements now known." Does this mean that we are again to expect the participation of the Dhyanis in our government and arts and sciences for a time until we again come under the eye of the "Watchers?" According to the parallel Fourth Round, Root-Race Chart on p. 300 Vol II, the first half of the fifth race is on the ascending (spiral arc) cycle which is the same level as halfway through the first R.R. or between the first and second R.R. and similarly as that root race was devoid of intellect, so is our fifth R.R. devoid of spirit being as it was replaced by the intellect. p. 294-5 Vol I "But let us compare with the commentary just cited the words of Hermes, the " thrice great ": "This creation of Life by the Sun is as continuous as his light; nothing arrests or limits it. Around him, like an army of Satellites, are innumerable choirs of genii. These dwell in the neighbourhood of the Immortals, and thence watch over human things. They fulfil the will of the gods (Karma) by means of storms, tempests, transitions of fire and earthquakes; likewise by famines and wars, for the punishment of impiety.... It is the sun who preserves and nourishes all creatures; and even as the Ideal World which environs the sensible world fills this last with the plenitude and universal variety of forms, so also the Sun, enfolding all in his light, accomplishes everywhere the birth and development of creatures. Under his orders is the choir of Genii, or rather the choirs, for there are many and diverse, and their number corresponds to that of the stars. Every star has its genii, good and evil by nature, or rather by their operation, for operation is the essence of the genii...." (This seems like support for Eldon's claim that beings are created by their actions.) "All these Genii preside over mundane affairs*, they shake and overthrow the constitution of States and of individuals; they imprint their likeness on our Souls, they are present in our nerves, our marrow, our veins, our arteries, and our very brain-substance.... At the moment when each of us receives life and being, he is taken in charge by the genii (Elementals) who preside over births, and who are classed beneath the astral powers (Superhuman astral Spirits.) Perpetually they change, not always identical, but revolving in circles. They permeate by the body two parts of the Soul, that it may receive from each the impress of his own energy." (Could this be the astral - prototypal past soul and the mental - conceptualizing present effects or soul?) "But the reasonable part of the Soul is not subject to the genii; it is designed for the reception of (the) God, who enlightens it with a sunny ray. Those who are thus illumined are few in number, and from them the genii abstain: for neither genii nor Gods have any power in the presence of a single ray of God. But all other men, both soul and body, are directed by genii, to whom they cleave, and whose operations they affect.... The genii have then the control of mundane things and our bodies serve them as instruments." p. 294 Vol I footnote *And "Gods" or Dhyanis, too, not only the genii or "guided Forces." (H.P.B.) The Dhyanis are able to operate through the man consciously or unconsciously. ASTRAL LIGHT p. 254 Vol I Continuation of Footnote from p. 253 "All the above is as practical as it is correct, save one error, which we will explain in the text further on. Eliphas Levi commits a great blunder in always identifying the Astral Light with what we call Akasa. What it really is will be given in Part II. of Vol. II." p.74 Vol I "The Astral Light, or the Ether, of the ancient pagans (for the name of Astral Light is quite modern) is Spirit-Matter. Beginning with the pure spiritual plane, it becomes grosser as it descends until it becomes the Maya or the tempting and deceitful serpent on our plane." p. 196 Vol I "The Astral Light or Anima Mundi is dual and bisexual. The (ideal) male part of it is purely divine and spiritual, it is the Wisdom, it is Spirit or Purusha; while the female portion (the Spiritus of the Nazarenes) is tainted, in one sense, with matter, is indeed matter, and therefore is evil already. It is the life-principle of every living creature, and furnishes the astral soul, the fluidic PERISPRIT, to men, animals, fowls of the air, and everything living. Animals have only the latent germ of the highest immortal soul in them .." p.73 Vol I "Jehovah esoterically (as Elohim) is also the Serpent or Dragon that tempted Eve, and the Dragon is an old glyph for Astral Light (Primordial Principle), which is the Wisdom of Chaos. " p.282 Vol I "Therefore our human forms have existed in the Eternity as astral or ethereal prototypes; according to which models, the Spiritual Beings (or Gods) whose duty it was to bring them into objective being and terrestrial Life, evolved the protoplasmic forms of the future Egos from their OWN essence. After which, when this human Upadhi, or basic mould was ready, the natural terrestrial Forces began to work on those supersensuous moulds which contained, besides their own, the elements of all the past vegetable and future animal forms of this globe in them. Therefore, man's outward shell passed through every vegetable and animal body before it assumed the human shape." Two summarizing points: First, wouldn't there be a three-fold purpose for an astral plane? The only function that you have mentioned is the function of the astral in the physical evolution. What about its importance in the other two areas, monadic evolution and idea evolution. Second, it is difficult for me to comprehend that there is a PLANE of manifestation called the astral, for which we still haven't developed a useful vehicle. If there isn't a particular astral body now, if feelings and emotions and passions are found to exist within the realm of the mental plane, then I could assume that there is a definite task ahead of us to develop such a body and the senses to go with it. Footnote, p. 157 Vol II "It must be noted that, though the astral and physical planes of matter ran parallel with one another even in the earliest geological ages, yet they were not in the same phases of manifestation in which they are NOW. The Earth did not reach its present grade of density till 18,000,000 years ago. Since then both the physical and astral planes have become grosser." p. 175 Vol II "Now the evolution of the external form or body round the astral is produced by the terrestrial forces, just as in the case of the lower kingdoms; but the evolution of the internal or real MAN is purely spiritual. It is now no more a passage of the impersonal Monad through many and various forms of matter endowed at best with instinct and consciousness on quite a different plane as in the case of external evolution, but a journey of the " pilgrim-soul " through various states of not only matter but Self-consciousness and self-perception, or of perception from apperception. (See " Gods, Monads and Atoms.")."