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Australasian TS newsletter via Internet

Oct 05, 1993 11:31 PM

The Daily Karmic Script : Part  4: Dharma                     2

News from home and Abroad including thoughts from South       3
   Africa on the Transformation of Violence in to Peace

Book News : Mandy Rooke                                       4

Contact : people from our Society around Australia            5

Poetry Corner : The Turning Point of Life by Cleland Rimmer   5

Gems of Theosophy - Compiled by Lo Guest                      6

Last Word : Two steps to a Higher Life                        7
------------------------------------------MEETINGS : MELBOURNE :
OCT. - DEC., 1993

Meetings are at the TS (Pasadena) Centre, 664 Glenhuntly Road,
South Caulfield, Melbourne at 2.30 :

Sat. Oct. 2nd : Report on the Second World Parliament of

Sat. Nov. 6th : Is the Universe alive?

Sat. Dec. 4th : The Inner meaning of Christmas.

Everyone is welcome and there is no charge.   Tea and coffee
served after the lecture.


The Buddhist teachings on  "Dharma" give depth to our
understanding of the daily karmic script.  Dharma comes  from
the Sanskrit  word "dhri" meaning right religion, right
philosophy,   right  science and right union of these three and
hence  "The Law".  It also means equity, justice, conduct, duty
and the essential characteristics, quality, or peculiarity of
each individual in his road of learning.

These teachings encompass the idea that each one of us has
natural duties which are set or prescribed for us to complete in
each lifetime (see Dr. G. de Purucker's Occult Glossary pp37-38).
These duties relate to the conduct of every aspect of our lives
including livelihood, family responsibilities, attitudes and
relationships.  Our "dharma" is to meet these duties which our
own Higher Self has set for us in each life, with selflessness,
courage and fortitude conditioned by the results of choices we
have mad in past lives.

Thus, one person may persue the dharma of a doctor, another a
labourer or a housewife, all these, and any other occupation,
provide the opportunity for soul learning which is appropriate
for each individual.   Our obligation to ourselves and to other
is to meet the challenges of our particular dharma by fulfilling
the needs of each daily situation no matter how humble as best we
can without anxiety about the outcome of our actions.  In this
way we gradually build strength of character that enables us to
empathize and therefore help others along their road of learning.
Theosophical founders laid great emphasis on the fulfillment of
one's dharma in self development and in our contributions to the
progress of others.  William Quan Judge for example says:  "What
then is the panacea finally, the Royal talisman"  It is Duty,
Selflessness.  Duty persistently followed is the highest yoga and
is better than mantras or any posture, or any other thing.  If
your can do no more than duty, it will being you to the goal...
and again.. "He only who studies all things and learns from them,
as he finds them will be permitted to enter (behind the veil of
Nature's mysteries)...  It comes as softly and imperceptible as
the opening of a flower.   Live well you life, strive to realize
the meaning of every event.  Strive to find the Ever Living and
wait for more light."

The ability to read the daily karmic script arises from an
enlightened attitude to real life situations.  If we consciously
try to shift our focus of  concern from the lower to the higher
aspects of our life experience, then we slowly attune
ourselves to the natural state of Universal Harmony.  We thus add
our energies, be they ever so small, to the positive forces
protecting and guarding Humanity.  This effort requires courage
and fortitude because we need to face ourselves and be prepared
to act in defense of what we believe to be right rather than
leaving these ideas at the level of academic discussion.  Let's
finish this series with some advice from one of H.P. Blavatsky's
teachers on developing the ability to read the daily karmic
script and eventually perhaps to climb the "golden stairs" to
greater understanding and service to the Law:

    "Behold the truth before you, a clean life, an open mind, a
    pure heart, an eager intellect, an unveiled spiritual
    perception, a brotherliness for one's co-disciple, a
    readiness to give and receive advice and instruction, a loyal
    sense of duty to the Teacher, a willing obedience to the
    behest's of   TRUTH ,  once you have placed your confidence
    in, and believe that=20 Teacher to be in possession of it; a
    courageous endurance of personal injustice, a brave
    declaration of principles, a valiant defence of those
    unjustly attacked, and a constant eye to the ideal of human
    progression and the perfection which the secret science
    ("Gupta Vidya") depicts - these are the golden stairs up the
    steps of which the learner may climb to the Temple of Divine


The National President of the Theosophical Society in Australia
(Adyar),  Joy Mills, has kindly invited any members and friends
of our Society to attend their national convention which will be
held in Melbourne at St. Mary's College at the University of
Melbourne from 22 to 29 January, 1994.  The guest speaker will be
Dr. Ravi Ravindra.

A new and expanded introductory brochure on theosophy and the
work of the Theosophical Society is now available.  Copies can be
obtained by contacting  TS (Pasadena) Centre in Melbourne.

The major item of news is the successful completion of the second
World Parliament of Religions in Chicago where members of our
Society gave several presentations and the Theosophical
University Press exhibited publications.  The Australian Section
of our Society was represented by Paddy Plasto, Canberra artist,
who exhibited several paintings (see Paddy's report on the
Parliament in this issue).

Headquarters - Pasadena:   Your editor was fortunate to visit HQ
in July to see the work proceeding at HQ and the Theosophical
University Library Centre at Altadena.  Friday night meetings are
regularly attended by 60- 80 people enthusiastically discussing
theosophic subjects.  A wide range of educational and publishing
activities are continuing in the library and Press.   Of
particular interest is the use of computers and high technology
in this ancient work.  Many thanks to Grace and the HQ team for
their hospitality and many kindnesses.

San Diego Library Centre:  An active programme of meetings
continues in San Diego with lectures on the following subjects in
the second half of the year:  The Perennial Dilemma,  The Astral
Light, Fate/Destiny,  At-Onement, and  The Four Sacred Seasons.
Australian Section members are always welcome at the library
centre situated at 4120 30th Street, Suite 204, San Diego

Your editor was privileged to visit members and friends of the
British Section in London in July.  I was particularly impressed
by the dedication of members travelling from as far afield as
Liverpool to regularly attend meetings in London.  Active
programs of meetings and study groups are held in many parts of
the country with the main library centre being located in Exeter.
Thank you to Renee Hall, Pat Powell, Sandra Pitt and other
members and friends in England for a memorable visit.

Former Leader of our Society, Katherine Tingley, has been
honoured by the people of Visingso by having a ship named after
her in honour of her services to the people of the island.  This
surely must be a unique tribute to a theosophical leader in
Sweden or anywhere else for that matter!

Maud Osterwijk in the latest issue  Contact  contributes some
many places in the world, including South Africa, there are waves
of unrest taking place amidst a pattern of change.  The sparks of
violence produce fear, despair, grief, misery and often more
violence.  Is it possible to look beyond these harsh scenes and
to reach an inner tranquillity to be able to understand what is
really taking place and then how can we partake in a change
towards a transformation?  We talk about the Aquarian Age, an age
or cycle of greater awareness (re) appearing in mankind.  An age
where the spiritual in man may become more pronounced.  Is this
present world then the battlefield where the spiritual is trying
to come to birth?  In the ancient wisdom religion is spoken of
the presence of an all-pervading Diving Principle in nature and
also of the eternal and immortal in man as as spark or ray of
that Divine Universal Principle.  When we understand this we
should try to bring about this inner peace and then the
perception of what is truly happening will -- be it ever so
little -- contribute towards the improvement of the world's ills.
In an interview over the media recently with Credo Mutwa (author
of "Indaba my Children") he gave the following message to South
Africa and the whole world.  "Let us Forgive, Let us Forget, Let
us Build, Let us Love."

BOOK NEWS    from Mandy Rooke
New books in the library:  In memory of H.P. Blavatsky  by some
of her students.  Several writers who knew HPB, such as A.P.
Sinnett and G.R.S. Mead, give their views on what she meant to
them and how her career unfolded.

The Path:  an index of authors, articles, letters  etc., compiled
by Lo Guest  of our Melbourne Group.  William Quan Judge's  Path
magazine is indexed according to volume, month, year, page, date,
editor and name of article.  This computer produced index should
provide invaluable access to rare gems of theosophy for the
serious student of theosophy.  Unfortunately we have only one
copy of the index available from our Archives for use in the
library only.

An index to The Theosophist  also compiled by Lo Guest.  This
index covers the first years of this important journal under the
headings  of Total Index, Publicity, Activities, Authors, Rules,
and Letters.  Again we have only a manuscript copy available from
the Archives for use in the library only.

A work of  art  compiled by Paddy Plasto of Canberra available also
only in a limited edition published by the author.  Thoughts and
pictures from Paddy's young art students.  Word and form combine
to illustrate some outstanding expressions of the spiritual life
in art by budding child artists.  This book unveils some highly
inspiring intuitive insights.  This book is indicative of an
increasing interest in the expression of spirituality in art by
members of our Society reflected in the formation of such groups
as TACO -- The Theosophical Artists Cooperative -- in California.

CONTACT   People from our Society around Australia:
Victoria:  T.S. (Pasadena) Centre, 664 Glenhuntly Rd., Caulfield
South, Melbourne 3162.  Tel: (03) 528.1011,  Fax: (03) 528.3907.
Open Tuesdays and Wednesdays 11 a.m. to 3 p.m.   Public meetings,
study groups, library and bookshop.  For further detail New South
Wales: Walter  Geerlings.  56 Oxford St., Umina 2257.   Tel.(043)
416.538   Library available.

Australian Capital Territory:    Paddy Plasto, P.O. Box 344,
Kingston, Canberra  2604. Tel. (06) 295.3081. Library available.
Queensland:    Tom van Erp, 25 Norwood Terrace, Paddington,
Brisbane 4064.  Tel.(07) 369.7080 Meetings and Library.
Eric  Niemeyer, 14 Pine Grove st., Nerang 4211. Tel. (075) 782.694
                         Library and discussions

 The Turning Point of Life.
 by: Cleland Rimmer.
There's a milestone on life's  path that brings  us to another start;
Where brighter vistas  open out, where clouds grow light and break apart
...  There's a spot on every road where ruts give place to smooth
green ways; The place that marks a new beginning, and the hope of
fairer days.

Are you weary of the journey - does your burden seem too great?
Are you fighting uphill battles, struggling with hostile Fate?
The milestone at the turning point may be a few steps round the bend.
COURAGE! ...  This may be the spot where joys return and troubles end.

by Lo Guest)

The first Parliament of Religion was held in Chicago U.S.A. in
1893.  The Theosophical Society attended this Parliament and Mr.
William Q. Judge, President of the Society was the speaker on
behalf of the Theosophical Society.  In his speech he outlined
the philosophy of the Theosophical Society and its aims to
promulgate the tenets of the Society.  Below is a picture of
William Q. Judge, take from the book reprinting the speeches
given by the delegates of the various religious bodies who
attended this Parliament.

In his address Mr. Judge spoke of the spiritual meaning of man,
man's evolutionary progress, and said:

     "Now this spiritual man, having always existed, being
     intimately concerned in evolution, dominated by the law of
     cause and effect, =09because in himself he is that very law,
     showing moreover on this plane varieties of force of
     character capacity and opportunity,  his presence must be
     explained while the differences noted have to be accounted
     for.  The doctrine of re-incarnation does all this....  This
     doctrine explains life and nature.  The vast, and under any
     other doctrine unjust, difference between the savage and the
     civilized man, as to both capacity, character and
     opportunity can be understood only through the doctrine, and
     coming to our own stratum the differences of the same kind
     may only thus be explained.  It vindicates Nature and God,
     and removed from religion the blot thrown by men who have
     postulated creeds which paint the Creator as a demon.  Each
     man's life and character are the outcome of his previous
     lives and thoughts.  Each is his own judge, his own
     executioner, for it is his own hand that forges the weapon
     which works for his punishment. and each by his own life
     reaches rewards, rises to heights of knowledge and power for
     the good of all who may be left behind him.  Nothing is left
     to chance, favour, or partiality, but all is under the
     government of law.  Man is a thinker, and by his thoughts he
     makes the causes for woe or bliss;  for his thoughts produce
     his acts.  He is the centre for any disturbance of the
     universal harmony, and to him, as the centre, the
     disturbance must return so as to bring about equilibrium,
     for nature always works towards harmony.

     Man is always carrying on a series of thoughts which extend
     back to the remote past, continually making action and
     reaction.  He is thus responsible for all his thoughts and
     acts, and in that his complete responsibility is
     established; his own spirit is the essence of this law and
     provides forever compensation for every disturbance and
     adjustment for all effects.  This is the law of Karma or
     justice, sometimes called the ethical law of causation....

LAST WORD:  Two steps to a Higher Life. H.P. Blavatsky tells us in
her Voice of the Silence   that anyone can take the first steps
along the Path to more enlightened living for ourselves and the
world.  She advises us that "To live to benefit mankind is the
first step, to practise the six glorious virtues is the second."

The "virtues" or in Sanskrit "paramitas" meaning "that which has
gone beyond" are listed in various ways in different traditions.
Blavatsky lists them as seven:  1.) Dana: Charity or Love.  2.)
Sila: Harmony in Word and Act.   3.) Kshanti:  Patience.=20 6.)
Dhyana: Meditation, Contemplation, or Concentration which has two
aspects - to eliminate idle thinking, and to concentrate the mind
in a way that will separate it from bondage to appearances.  7.)
Prajna:  Intuitive Wisdom.

We all have the opportunity  in our own special ways to apply
some, at least, of these principles in our lives - so let's start

The Australasian T.S. Newsletter is edited by Andrew Rooke, T.S.
(Pasadena) Centre, 664 Glenhuntly Rd.,  South Caulfield,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3162.  Tel. (03) 528.1011.  Fax:
(03) 528.3907,  Internet:  There
is no charge for this Newsletter.  If you wish to be placed on
the mailing list (hardcopy version), please contact the editor.

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