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Re: Randy to Grigor:fightin words/race

Nov 27, 1999 03:15 PM
by WLR7D


>I told you it was part of my occupation to be familiar with genetic
research.  I never said I was on a "Board".  Who are you to say I am lying
and faking?  I am not going to prove it to you since my credentials are not
the issue.  What I say and what you say are.  We should measure one another
by this alone if you wish to have rational discourse.

>Where did I ever say race was any different from breed?  You set up these
flimsy little strawmen rather than address the essence.  I am arguing that
races of humans are different from one another, just like breeds of dogs are
different from one another.  No more, no less.  If you disagree then let's
debate it.  I have stated clearly my proposition, you do the same.

>You still have not described what the prejudice about race is you think I
have.  Do it, or let's move on to something you can make a statement of
certainty about.

>The dissection of genetic material to attempt explanation of form or
function is reductionism.
Want to debate this?  Before you respond, please just look up the meaning of
reductionism so we don't waste time.

Grigor, I am only interested in continuing this if you are willing to proceed
rationally without resorting to name calling or impugning my honesty.  If you
can do that and address specifically my points, then let's continue.
Otherwise, let's not waste one anothers time.


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