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Re: Dyzan, Dzan, chan and TarimPS

Nov 06, 1999 02:17 PM
by Hazarapet

I forgot two other bits of evidence.

Item One.  As mentioned before, both
HPB's Stanzas of Dyzan and the
probable section of the larger and
esoteric Kanjur that both the Bon
and Nyingmapas have, in contrast
to the other Tibetan Buddhist schools,
has a Motherly Buddha or Mother as
the Supreme Source.  The Dzog chen
texts recovered from Tun huang also
have this motif.

Item Two: an Iranian fragment of a
Dzog chen text from this region
is called "zan-akasih."  Regionally,
like D-zog, c-han, T-sar, or c-zar, the
first letter is an unvoiced way of pronouncing
the next letter hard.  So, hard zog chen, hard zar.
Zan-akasih, with pronouncement marks, since it
is a hard z, would be dzan-akasih.  Literally, zan-
akasih means the "book and commentary."

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