Re: TS organizations today
Oct 08, 1999 05:42 PM
by Alan
> we can see in a couple of years, all the
> traditionally organized theosophical organizations by passed by
> students who are interested in theosophy and not in theosophical
> even though some may feel being immersed in theosophical politics they
> furthering the interests of theosophy.
> Any thoughts?
> Mkr
Yes. all the traditionally organized theosophical organizations *are* by
passed by most serious
students who are interested in theosophy and not in theosophical
politics. This began even before the Internet tool off, and will
continue until the greys turn white and finally into ashes.
I expect we are all doomed - doomed, I say! [except Chuck, who does his
own dooming]
Alan the Grey
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