Oct 31, 1997 06:09 AM
by Nicole Suter
To Titus: "I mean a kind of container that holds similar things in and keeps
dissimilar things out. The container also imparts a shape and quality of its
own. For example, Peter thought following Christ meant being a Jew,
circumcised.. etc. Essentially he said what belongs inside the group of
Christians is this, not that. It gives spirit form."
Thank you for that explanation. I see it a bit different. Following Christ
does not mean being a Jew nor belonging to a group. The "container" (brrr -
what an expression!) is your body and it's your s e l f where the spirit
"For half an hour they recounted all (true) failings of my wife and why that
proved they were right, parroting various aphorism and truisms."
My warmest regards for your wife - nobody of us has true failings, it's just
that we are all here to learn something and in order to do so one has to
make "mistakes".
"After hearing the tone of pious and solemn concern for me and my wife I
began to think I was crazy for protesting, but in spite of my doubt I stuck to
my guns."
That "think I was crazy for protesting"-feeling is exactly that what happens
when your psychic energy is blocked - out of a little experience I know how
hard it can be to protest inspite.
"What a powerful force that makes them conform."
The power of dullness - Hitler already operated with that kind of power.
"Saying, "Theosophy isn't for that born again Bible thumping fundamentalist,"
is ok, but it is not ok to say, "We are superior," or "Tear down his religion."
I think the religion is never the question. The question is what the human
beings are making out of it.
"I only meant to show a correspondence with the animal kingdom."
I guess out of hearth I know what you are trying to say.
"I mean an actual energy field around the body."
Maybe it's both ...
"P.S., I'm interested in what some call your national saint, Nicholas von der
Flue. Do you know of any biographies of him? (Hopefully in English)."
I will ask around a bit but I doubt that I will find much in English - please
give me some time, I'll come back to it.
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