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Re: THEOS-L digest 1296 - Unconditional Love

Oct 31, 1997 04:27 AM
by CPickar965

In a message dated 97-10-25 11:54:34 EDT, you write:

> To:  MKR


<<I think the issue of unconditional love is a very important one for
consideration. Words have different meaning for different individuals. Love
is a word each one of us will define in our own way. Any amount of
definition is not the real thing.

 Having said the above, I think, in my simplistic thinking, it *may* be a
 deep unselfish interest in the welfare of the other person(s) and be willing
 to act for the best interests of the other person(s) as one sees it and be
 ready to sacrifice (however small or big) for the other person(s). 

 How it is seen in action will have to be very situational since no two
 situations are the same.

 Just my 0.02

 mkr >>

I agree the topic of unconditional love is an important one.  The problems
with definition is it limits the experience or concept.  A Buddhist monk was
talking along these lines and while Buddhism (the Buddhist concepts I've
learned) call the experience  an "fabricated"  experience.  As long as you are
trying to express or define you don't know the "real thing" becasue the real
thing is beyond expression.  While I agree with this they considered the
fabricated experience part of the growth process. *Point*  - Discussion,
description, even expression,  reflection are part ot he learning process.
Now that we are saying, in a sense,  the same thing. .... 

I have a great deal of agreement with the rest of your comment.  One can
debate all day regarding the nature of unconditional love and if one starts
with different ideas from psychology (part of the study of Theos. being the
comparative study of science not just religion and  to the best of my
knowledge psychology  is a science.)  one can lose perspective and ones way.
Saying that - I still think it's an important topic worthy of consideration
whether we can agree or not on its nature.  In  society  rampant with self
interest and taught  for the most part "me first" all the thought, talk and
examples to illustrate the nature and naturalness of unconditional love should
be aired as a sort of counter balance and tonic or fortification for the
spirit.  It seems to me once one starts to think along the lines of , one sees
altruistic behavior missed before and one can see hope for a New Age.  A New
Age based on more than technological discoveries.  It seems to me our society
is starting to gradually become more aware and value "things of the spirit"
more in the last few years.

Just my 0.02.  Feel free to interject yours any time.   Thanks for the


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