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Re: Dreck

Oct 30, 1997 09:34 PM
by ramadoss

At 12:22 AM 10/31/97 -0500, you wrote:
>This is something that, contrary to a well-constructed public image I really
>don't like to do, but this time I gotta!
>Tonight Gerda and I had the incredible misfortune of hearing what was
>probably the most boring, god-awful dumb and stupid lecture the TS has put on
>in a couple of years.  It made the brain-dead idiot with THE PATTERN look
>good by comparison.  Hell, she at least was cute!
>The embarrassing part of all this is that the speaker is a nice little old
>lady who just happens to be the international vice president of the Adyar TS
>Mary Anderson.
>I don't know, maybe she just had an off night but even after 4 cups of coffee
>at dinner I fell asleep and was assured that the respite was merciful
>compared to what she was babbling.
>The point of this rant is that last night I hung out with some folks who are
>generally conceded to be really dumb--charismatic xtians (for those of you
>who don't know charismatic means pentecostal that can read) and they had a
>speaker who was one hell of a barn-burner.  He held that audience and got
>them excited and interested in what he was saying.  I was damn near speaking
>in tongues myself by the time he was over and was so damned high from the
>energy of the room that even a flat tire on the way home couldn't dampen my
>Now just how in the bloody hell are we going to compete with these folks for
>the hearts and minds of humanity if all we can offer is a series of crashing
>bores and new age dunderheads?   I say we lock the nice, boring people in
>their offices, let them shuffle paper and eat cucumber sandwiches, which is
>what they do best, and create some people who can hold an audience, or least
>keep them awake!
>Chuck the Heretic
>"If we could just get everyone to close their eyes and visualize world
>peace for an hour, imagine how serene and quiet it would be until the
>looting started."

It is a very sorry state of affairs. I hope something is done before we end
up getting a reputation of having boring speakers. Communication 101 is to
keep the interest of the audience by keeping them awake.

Let us all pray that things change for the better soon (even though I
personally don't believe in prayers, it is still worth a try!)


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