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Re: HPB's articel

Oct 29, 1997 12:30 PM
by ramadoss

At 11:38 AM 10/29/97 -0500, Nicole Suter wrote:
>To doss: "It was published in a magazine Lucifer which was edited by HPB."
>When was this published - I have never heard anything about this magzine?
HPB published it in Lucifer, October, 1888. HPB died in 1891. I believe the
magazine was published for a couple years around that time. If you look at
some historical material re TS, you will find the magazine mentioned in them.

>"There is the Collected Works of HPB which has all that she wrote and I think
>it may be in it also. The reason why I am referring to Collected Works is
>it is a
>work where one could get a good over view of her style and approach and her
>responses to very many things."
>>From what I have read in the articel you posted to this list it feels like if
>the one who has published it had used kind of a wrong filter - the brown-
>black-magic-selling one. If you wish to answer, please be good to me, we are
>still recovering from a shock.
>Dullness & Style Co.

Cheer up!  

We are all inquirers and are trying to learn and a Theosophist must be good
to every living being. Be assured that I am a nice person and if any one is
offended, it is unintentional and my apologies are always there if perchance
it happens unintentionally. I hope it has not happened to you. If so my
apologies. All of us are surrounded by a lot of difficulties and problems
and I will be the last person to add to any suffering to anyone even

Let me try to respond as best as I can.

HPB wrote the famous publications such as Isis Unveiled and Secret Doctrine
-- both monumental. She was also a inveterate writer and had written quite a
few articles in various magazines and journals.

You will find the language in the books like Isis and SD quite different,
when compared to the various articles she wrote refuting and rebutting many
complaints and critical articles published by publication of her time. In
the latter, you will see her very dynamic uncompromising style. I think that
is what we see in her Lucifer article.


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