HPB's articel
Oct 29, 1997 08:38 AM
by Nicole Suter
To doss: "It was published in a magazine Lucifer which was edited by HPB."
When was this published - I have never heard anything about this magzine?
"There is the Collected Works of HPB which has all that she wrote and I think
it may be in it also. The reason why I am referring to Collected Works is
it is a
work where one could get a good over view of her style and approach and her
responses to very many things."
>From what I have read in the articel you posted to this list it feels like if
the one who has published it had used kind of a wrong filter - the brown-
black-magic-selling one. If you wish to answer, please be good to me, we are
still recovering from a shock.
Dullness & Style Co.
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