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Digest 1296

Oct 27, 1997 03:54 AM
by Nicole Suter

To Alan: "(with airline assistance - I had not yet reached arhat status)"

Hi, hi, hi - thank you for that - an oracle of delphi says the date could be
looked up in the akasha chronic

To crp: "I found your concepts on unconditional love extremely interesting.
I have a
problem with unconditional love being related to "naturally happens between a
mother and her child as long as it is a baby."  I have read and heard about
to many cases of child abuse or neglect to believe unconditional love is a
natural function and heard of  many women (and know a few) who think of
children as a commodity (status) to a reflection of themselves, or have a
fleeting interest in the child as a baby and and looses it once the child
starts to reason and no longer can be dictated to.  None of those situations
qualify, IMO, as unconditional love.  While I think in some cases
unconditional love happens it is selective cases.  Recent studies have
discovered human's have "no mothering instinct."  However, studies can be
wrong or misleading. "

Thank you for answering - it is very intersting what you write here. I
agree with that what you write about "abuse or neglect" and I am also
aware of such cases, but I do have some problems with the studies about
"no mothering instinct". How did they try to find it out?

"People who seem to be able to love unconditionally do seem a little

I guess we missunderstood here. I was more referring to what you write
above concerning "abuse or neglect" because desires seem to be part of the ego
and only ego leads then to obsession.

OTH,  are you saying no one can love unconditionally without self-interest?
Sounds Freudian."

I never read Freud - but why should one love unconditionally without self-

"This is an interesting question worth much reflection."

I agree 100 % - I guess we can discuss the "unconditional love" for ages.

"They, also, talk of the need of "letting go of personality'" or "lower self"
which I interpret as shields."

Shields to me are borders, limits - every human beeing needs shields
and needs personality and there is nothing   l o w e r   in a self but it is
important just to be yourselves.


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