HPB's Article
Oct 26, 1997 08:17 PM
by ramadoss
In the HPB's article I just posted, one of the things that caught my
attention was that the external appearance and external "culture" may not be
an indication of the potential adept.
Also when commenting on the the TS member, she is very emphatic that for the
TS movement what was needed was not some "sheep" -- passive sympathisers,
not such as the slumbering army of church-goers.
She was very emphatic about "Active, wide-awake, earnest, unselfish
Branches" whose members who will will put the question "Can we not do
substantial good to mankind by working in this good cause with all our
hearts, our minds, and our strength?"
Could it be that the decline in the membership have somthing to do with
ignoring her question? Something to think about.
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