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Re: A New Foundation

Oct 24, 1997 04:21 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, Bart Lidofsky
<> writes
>       Now, for example, Dr. Bain is doing a wonderful job, from what I have
>hears, with TSI

Dr. Bain does very little except promote Theosophy International.  This
is *not* the same thing as the ti-l mailing list.

> (btw, is there a way that those who are not members to
>see some of the digests, so that they may determine better if they wish
>to become members or not, before having to join?). And he runs it
>according to his philosophy.

He doesn't run it at all.  Members are simply those who, by whatever
means, decide to "sign up" (usually by e-mail) to the TI "statement of
intent.  When we first set it up there was a great deal of discussion
and voting by the founding members (about a quarter of those currently
signed up - 85) on how to formulate and word this statement of intent.
I suggest you read it carefully (I am posting it to this list again
after a long period).

> There is no charge to the members, but the
>list is somewhat dependent on Dr. Bain's work and the maintenance of
>this list server.

It maintains itself, courtesy of and John Mead.  Without them
we would all have to find another way of meeting.

> If someone is disruptive to the list (and who is to
>define disruptive?) then there is a choice between possibly allowing the
>group to be spammed into oblivion, or possibly throwing someone out
>because of a different point of view. And the decision would be entirely
>up to Dr. Bain.

In theory the same is true of theos-l, and the same decision would be
open to John Mead.  The mailing list [little used] ti-l is, like this
one, unmoderated, and subscribers -who do not have to be TI members -
can post whaever they like, including "Alan Bain is a big shit"
>       Remember, TINSTAAFL applies, even in Theosophy.

*Especially* in theosophy - it's called karma.


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