Re: A New Foundation
Oct 24, 1997 12:40 PM
by ramadoss
At 01:25 PM 10/24/97 -0400, you wrote:
> wrote:
>> The work done by various parties/organizations to make more of the
>> Theosophical Texts available on line (for free -- yes no dues, no access
>> charges, nothing real or hidden cost) is very commendable when the largest
>> TS group - when it looks like TSA (Adyar) is asleep on this critical issue
>> and may be missing the boat once and for all.
> You are extremely naive if you think that these parties/organizations
>are doing this for free. Money is being spent for these services; it is
>just that the end user doesn't pay in the form of money. What IS being
>spent is allowing those who pay the money to make the decisions of what
>is seen or not seen; how the doctrine is defined or not defined.
I understand your response. I should have clarified further that "from
the end-user" point of view, access to the Theosophical Texts is *free*.
Everyone understands that a lot of money and efforts that goes to any
We would not have modern Theosophy and TS(s) but for the sacrifices made by
so many people especially HPB. She gave her life to it and gave prime of her
life and worked day in and day out (-- not at the current Olcott official
I have no problems with any of the web sites being selective in what they
put up. ( Someone has to make a choice due to limited time, money and effort).
However when Theosophical Classics such as ML to APS, Key to Theosophy, SD
are made available for free to the users, it is a invaluable contribution
towards the spread of Theosophy which is after all the main purpose of
starting TS.
> Now, for example, Dr. Bain is doing a wonderful job, from what I have
>hears, with TSI (btw, is there a way that those who are not members to
>see some of the digests, so that they may determine better if they wish
>to become members or not, before having to join?). And he runs it
>according to his philosophy. There is no charge to the members, but the
>list is somewhat dependent on Dr. Bain's work and the maintenance of
>this list server. If someone is disruptive to the list (and who is to
>define disruptive?) then there is a choice between possibly allowing the
>group to be spammed into oblivion, or possibly throwing someone out
>because of a different point of view. And the decision would be entirely
>up to Dr. Bain.
While Dr. Bain can speak for himself about TI, let me add my 0.02.
All the old messages are archived and you should be able to get a list by
sending a msg to with the following in the body of the msg:
index ti-l
and then by issuing a get command the individual archive can be retrieved
and read at leisure.
Secondly like theos-xxxxx (unlike other moderated=censored mail lists) it is
totally uncensored and almost anything goes and I can't even dream that
either Dr. Bain or John Mead ever thinking of throwing out anyone for
anything (except for any illegal or criminal activity). It is this freedom
or fear of action from the list owner that makes the theos-xxx and ti-l such
a free forum where everyone is free to discuss anything they want to. Of
course those who are used life long to controlled environment may not like
such a free environment and may even be afraid of it.
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