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Am I real?

Oct 24, 1997 04:00 PM
by Dr. A.M.Bain

In message <>, Titus Roth
<> writes
>Oh, Alan! My quote was an aside.
>Anyway, I've heard of people being kicked out of the TS on less convincing
>arguments. ;)
>But now that you've got me thinking, how can I prove that you really exist?
>Reports that people have seen you are a little suspect. We've even had reports
>of Alan Bain sightings here in America.

True.  Chicago, St. Paul/Minneapolis, Long island, Pontiac, IL., El
Paso, IL. [Yes there IS one] ..... I even saw myself once in New Jersey.
I think I was about to fly home (with airline assistance - I had not yet
reached arhat status)

Alan :-)

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