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Digest 1294

Oct 24, 1997 07:29 AM
by Nicole Suter

To Alan: >(It feels as if these people are operating in a special zone
called dullness.

Sometimes it's called "Theosophy."

A wise men once also called it "lukewarm" ...

To Bart: "It is a common error to consider an apostle to be another word for a
disciple of a religious teacher. It was that which I was addressing."

But I was not - apostle is the Greek expression for a person with clearvoyance
which the disciple is lacking at the beginning. From what I have learnt,
"schools" are parted since ever because a disciple needs a different form of
training than an apostle does. Even Jesus divded  his scholars up like this -
but I guess you know that very well yourself.  I am still looking for the
sanskrit word for the apostle but I have to wait until my dictionnary arrives.

"I simply got tired of writing, "I have no idea what you're talking about",
yet again."

Well - it seems that by pure chance (?) I was cratering an iconical sculpture
kind of your Ming vase. Don't worry you have not missed much. It was more
a lesson for me that silence is golden.

To All: Is there anybody here who has a proper definition for the word


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