Re: interested in Theosophy
Oct 19, 1997 09:55 PM
by ramadoss
At 09:32 PM 10/19/97 -0400, you wrote:
> ------- Forwarded message follows -------
>Ken Monteith
>2425 Hoffman st. Apt 1
>Bronx, NY 10458
>I am a graduate student at Fordham University just starting work toward a PhD
>in English. I am interested in looking at W.B. Yeats' connection to
>theosophy and wonder if any of the lodges might have old records or documents
>by or about Yeats.
I vaguely recall some articles on Yeats' connection was published in I
believe may be AT.
PS: May be Ken should directly contact Olcott Library.
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