Re: The New Adepts
Oct 14, 1997 12:57 PM
by Bart Lidofsky
Titus Roth wrote:
> Bart Lidofsky <> wrote:
> > For the group monad that I described to be formed in the first place, there
> > cannot be any traitors.
> I doubt this will ever happen. Even in the most advanced groups. (For example,
> the 12 disciples.)
The 12 disciples were students of a total leader; there was still
plenty of room for ego conflict between the individual disciples. And,
of course, I doubt that there are any group breakers (a better term than
"traitors") among the Mahatmas.
> > Some "traitors," as history shows, have been invaluable to the progression
> > of the world's inhabitants. What exactly do you consider a "traitor" to be?
> > And, what "system" would you recommend to guarantee that "there cannot be
> > any traitors?"
> Good point. Though there are genuine Judas's, it is all too easy to project
> one's own stuff on another person. One should be doubly and triply cautious
> about doing that, but not naive about dangerous persons.
Remmeber, when a traitor causes progression, it is because the group
NEEDS shaking up. Remember, they laughed at the Wright Brothers, but
they also laughed at the Marx Brothers.
Bart Lidofsky
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