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Digest 1282

Oct 14, 1997 09:36 AM
by Nicole Suter

To Bart Lidofsky: "The reason is trivial: Ego conflict without a binding

Trivial - does it mean it has tree parts? Could you please explain what kind
of ege-conflict you mean? What kind of binding tradition are you speaking
about? I would be thankful for your help.

"> I take dropping the ego to mean not letting it be center stage.  What do you
> see as the magic ingredients making that possible?

	Other way around. It is the ingredient that makes magic possible."

I do not understand how you mean that. Could you please explain how
an ingredient makes magic possible?

To ...doss: "Just curious to know why you always immensely disliked K. "

Honestly I think due to a very deep instinct in myself which seems to
show up every time I come accross dependence. It showed up for the
first time when I had (didn't want it all - but parents wanted it and I was
just 14) to become a confirmation candiate. I am still laughing about
the following scene - the vicar was standing in front of me very seriously
mighty, dominant and asked "do you believe in God?" and I said "no"
(because I belived in nature and nature was God to me not that kind of
dominant "father" they selled at church) "well" the vicar said "do you
then at least believe in Jesus Christ?" and I answered "I told you that I
don't believe in God, so why should I believe in his son?" That was
too much for the poor vicar and he forbade me to come to the religion
class giving me time to stay outside in nature and have fun.

"BTW have you visited the maillist listening-l which discusses K?"

As you read above I have gone through some changes in my life which
came from inside, from experience, from learning, from beeing interested
in something. There are so many things I enjoy or learn daily, which I
can discuss, which I have to think about and I am sorry but I lack the
time to also discuss "K" and I am also much more interested discussing
what other people think and feel than discussing the opinion of a "K"
which was eventually written by "XYZ" (just guessing). But thank you
for offering it.

Nicole Suter

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