Re: digest 1279
Oct 14, 1997 06:57 AM
by Bart Lidofsky
Nicole Suter wrote:
> To CPickar: "as they have to put up the shields which they can so
> comfortably lose when within the group."
> Could you please help me here - I have difficulties feeling comfortable
> whithout shields and loosing shields sometimes makes me feel terribly
> afraid. You seem to know people who can loose them and feel comfortably.
> Maybe you wish to learn to me, what makes them feel so comfortable
> without shields?
Although the question is not addressed to me, I would like to pose a
answer. Nobody can safely drop their shields with everybody; note that
the Mahatmas only did it with other Mahatmas. To drop your shields with
somebody, that other person must be highly compatible with you, and must
also be dropping his/her shields. It is extraordinarily rare that a
group of people who can do that meet each other in a context where they
might even try. It is my belief that, thanks largely to the ideas
brought to the West by the TS, an atmosphere of encouragement for such
groups to form has been created.
Bart Lidofsky
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